hair dye


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Norwood 2, just been through (still there I guess) a massive on and off 4 months shed on Propecia. My hair looks thinner than ever but I can feel my shed is growing back because I can feel small hairs on my scalp when I run my hand across my scalp.

My hair looks sh*t and much lighter than normally so with a big trip to europe in a couple of weeks I was thinking about going to the hairdresser and get some colouring done (highlights and basic colour).

Is this a bad idea? Should I leave the hair to regrow or is it safe to dye my hair? Anybody with experience or advice?


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Some on here use a dye called hena dye....i think i heard Kiwi1973 talk about this before on another thread about coloring hair...but he said that its safe although doesnt last all that long usually 6-8 washes.Hopefully he sees this thread and gives you more information on this product.

thats the best idea i have except to dye the tips ....they dont touch your scalp,so your not frying your scalps ***.