Hair Falling Out At An Alarming Rate, Please Help......


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hiya guys, i was on propecia and minoxidil last year for a period of 3 months. my hair seemed to thicken up extraordinary.

i then had some issues with propecia and went off it for about 4-5 months. when i was off propecia, i was still taking monoxidil daily without fail!

after a few months i noticed my hair wasnt looking as good, but i kept using minoxidil anyway.

i started propecia up again 2 weeks ago, 0.5mg a day tho this time instead of 1mg. my hair has been falling out loads and loads tho everytime i apply minoxidil or wash my hair. and i mean loads, im well aware that u shud lose 150 hairs a day or whatever, but there is load of hair daily in the basin. its been like this for a few months.

i mean what the hells going on? if i was a good responder to propecia awhile ago, wnt i be now? also, cud that 3 months i was on propecia thickened my hair up that much??

THANKS for any comments or replys in advance


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u started propecia 2 weeks ago. now is the time to shed. and of course now will be different from before. i'd say just ride it out. if u go off finasteride you're eventually going to regret (unless u get untolerable sides again) and if u go off minoxidil, you're likely to shed even more.