This is a screen shot from a 69 page pdf they sent free via email.
I see nothing worth noting here. Why is valproate listed as a liquid without a concentration?
Because it is liquid. I diluted mine about 8.3% which seems reasonable.
Castor oil won't definitely make it easy to leave on and absorb all these ingredients.
Didn't say it was a scam, said it seemed like it. It's so obviously a sales pitch. Oh look, now we see what he's selling. Maybe he thinks his snake oil actually works,but it doesn't. He might really think his hair has gotten thicker, but it hasn't. Basically it's overpriced minoxidil. In the first pictures you see his eyebrows, in the last picture you don't, so that makes his forehead look smaller. Also in the last temple picture his hand is much higher, pinning back the long hairs while allowing the shorter hairs to hang forward. Maybe those really are new hairs, but that's no evidence of that since I'm the earlier pictures his hand was much lower where it would have pinned them back.How exactly is this a scam? I have no connection to the site nor much interest but I hate this way of thinking where everyone just automatically jumps in with unhelpful comments like "DuDe Is ScAmMiNg" despite there being 0 evidence
velvet deer antler
Indeed -- for the IGF1.
That's perhaps a little harsh. The ingredients are Minoxidil, VPA, Sandalore, castor oil, peppermint oil, tretinoin, taurine, carnitine, cetirizine, cysteine, velvet deer antler and caffeine. It's pretty good stuff.
And In fairness, I didn't start this thread, so you can't call it a sales pitch.
This is interesting. This suggests you have never been able to generate new hair follicles in your scalp and as a result assume it's impossible.
I must admit I had absolutely no intention of deceiving with these pictures. I apologise if it seems it seems that way.
As I say, I completely understand the scepticism. However, I am certain that I have generated completely new hair follicles via hair follicle neogenesis. Hundreds of them.
Does this mean that no one on this forum has generated entirely new hair follicles?
@pegasus2 your claims of superior regrowth and creating new follicles are pointless because as far as I'm aware you've never backed them up with irrefutable proof
... get true neogensis without wounding is by agonizing Hh to supraphysiological levels.