Hair in next life


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If there is another life after death, I want a life with hair.

Just saying! :D


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Sorry dude, but there's no life after death. It ends here for you :(
However, your genes will live on in your offspring and theirs etc, who possibly might have a full head of hair. LOL


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That's the worse thing about baldness =For the rest of your existence you're bald. There is no happy ending.
I can not believe guys do not opt to get a hair transplant, get a loan. Who gives a ****, you only live once.

You always have beard gafts.


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LOL Master lucid dreaming and dream up a full head of hair within a world you control.
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Sorry dude, but there's no life after death. It ends here for you :(
However, your genes will live on in your offspring and theirs, who possibly might have a full head of hair. LOL
That's the worse thing about baldness =For the rest of your existence you're bald. There is no happy ending.
I can not believe guys do not opt to get a hair transplant, get a loan. Who gives a ****, you only live once.

You always have beard gafts.
I don't want to get into a big philosophical or religious debate about this, but.... how can it possibly be proven? How can you know with such certainty that there is definitely no life after this one?


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Theres not life after death. If there was how do we not know who we were in our previous life? Im agnostic, but we will neither here nor there after death which isn't that bad
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You can't prove a negative. Since we don't know, we can assume that there is nothing after this life.

The burden to prove is on the person making the claim, you'd have to prove there is an after life. But you can't, can you?

I doubt I'd be able to prove it in a way that would satisfy you yourself. However, I can provide strong empirical, scientific and objective evidence supporting the belief in an afterlife.

Wolf Pack

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I hope to be rocking full white hair in Valhalla and have supper with Odin.

There is some evidence for near death experience. A university in my country conducted a massive experiment on it. Once there is no pulse, the brain shuts down in seconds. Yet some people have awareness of what was happening around them and they mentioned it all when later quizzed. Seeing their body, staff surrounding them and all the procedures.

I do believe this isn't the end, but not sure what awaits us. At least Propecia will be in my blood as I am lowered into the ground.


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If there is a life after death God (if there is one) better be making me a hot supermodel (with hair of course) to make up for this miserable life, or Imma be mad.


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Doesn't really prove anything. Whether there is an afterlife or not.
You can kid yourself all you want, you'll sleep better at night. I understand.

But you're a fool if you believe there is an afterlife. We'll give the maggots a good meal.


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This thread is mind boggling. Don't any of you guys believe you have a soul that survives death? Heaven is just a myth? The belief that you are nothing more than your body will make hair loss even harder to take because there is nothing beyond yourself that may give you solace.
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Doesn't really prove anything. Whether there is an afterlife or not.
You can kid yourself all you want, you'll sleep better at night. I understand.

But you're a fool if you believe there is an afterlife. We'll give the maggots a good meal.

Well, I just think people should try to be open-minded about things like this. Instead of believing that "there is definitely no afterlife" like it's a fact, why not believe instead that "maybe there isn't, but maybe there is". I think people should do their own research, just as I have done in the past, and look for the evidence for and against. Then they can make their own informed conclusion about whether or not there's an afterlife, and what the nature of this afterlife might be.


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I'm a Catholic myself, and I believe in the Afterlife. I would never push my beliefs onto other people, however. We're each free to believe what we want.

As to whether or not I believe that everyone who ends up in Heaven will be a NW1, I can't say, but I assume that there will be no male pattern baldness in Heaven. :D


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Wow, a lot of delusional people on this forum.

I guess talking snakes are real? lulz

Cue Bald

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if God gives me hair in the afterlife, will I be able to choose my hairstyle or will I be given what I had pre-male pattern baldness?
or will I be spending the next billion billion years as baldie? (and I thought 5 years was bad)
will choosing the long Jesus look be considered blasphemy? :laugh:

Wolf Pack

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Wow, a lot of delusional people on this forum.

I guess talking snakes are real? lulz



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sometimes I feel I have male pattern baldness because of my sins in my previous life time. maybe I was some kind of womaniser or rapist that I have been cursed to not be attractive anymore.
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sometimes I feel I have male pattern baldness because of my sins in my previous life time. maybe I was some kind of womaniser or rapist that I have been cursed to not be attractive anymore.
Is this what you personally believe (that your male pattern baldness is a punishment from a previous life in which you sinned)?
I see that you're from India. Are you a Hindu, if you don't mind my asking?