Hair is everything....


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Talk about the genetically gifted (privileged) by the gods themselves, and parents of superior genes.

Dude's hair can go through roller coaster rides of hormone fluctuation, steroid abuse and still remain god like.

It's crazy to think their are people out there that are literally walking gods living life on easy mode.



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Fuck the privileged.

Wolf Pack

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Agree, hair is truly everything for most people. Without it, a lot of your life, even if it's going well, will begin to suffer sadly. I don't even give a crap about girls that much, it's annoying if I end up with no hair on my head or not being able to style it. Would hurt me real bad seeing that in the mirror.


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Hair is so important it's not even funny. The way it frames your face and the importance of that can never be overstated. You go from having nice defined features and good symmetry to some goddamn egghead when you lose your hairline and forelock. Then, when the diffusing and further balding also kicks in, you age so much beyond your years...

Your hairstyle is also one of the only things you can alter, when it comes to your appearance, hence losing the ability to do so at will is mentally super devastating. These NW1 guys who speak about shaving your head don't know anything - sure they can shave it any time they want, but they'll still have a flawless NW1 hairline framing their face and their hair will grow back normally - it's all by choice. When you go bald, the "choice factor" goes out of the window and if you're a person whose identity or part of it is based around your hair and overall appearance, it becomes really ****ty.

For instance, I had a lot of friends in the heavy metal scene and some visual rock scenes (j-rock, gothic rock etc) pre-balding and while it goes beyond the superficial aspects; many people in those subcultures rock certain hairstyles and visuals. When you go bald, you don't really feel like you fit in. Most of those cultures are kind of youthful too, so given how much balding ages you, you feel like a creepy old man stalking on the kids. Sure, I still listened to the music, had my friends and went to certain gigs, but it wasn't the same when I looked 10-15 years older than my friends, just because of my hair or lack thereof.

Looking back at pics when I was NW3V with a lot of diffuse thinning at age 22 (****ty forelock, wispy density on top), I looked like a 30-35 year old dude, despite my babyface. I had to compensate by dressing more sharp, as I would look more ridiculous dressing more youthful and stuff. The bald look just clashes so badly with a babyface, youthful features etc, that it becomes devastating both looks-wise and mentality-wise.

Never again, I'm glad to have regrown hair. Will do whatever it takes to stay below NW2.5 now, be it going from finasteride to dutasteride, trying experimentals, getting a hair transplant, even going the wig route eventually. For now, the big three is doing its magic and I am back to NW1.25-1.5~ and feeling good every day. Balding ****ing sucks.


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funny that i see this as soon as i saw this infuriating couple on facebook. this fat doofus looking mexican with this cute blonde. here they are. i wonder if he wud have gotten her without the hair.




holy **** tbh the idea of never again being able to touch a cutesy *** white girl like that because of baldness makes me want to legit rip out my liver. those kinds of young sweet looking girls never go for baldies. it wud be creepy looking anyways.

meanwhile fat loser looking guys like this get to have her cuz of hair . . . . .


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funny that i see this as soon as i saw this infuriating couple on facebook. this fat doofus looking mexican with this cute blonde. here they are. i wonder if he wud have gotten her without the hair.




holy **** tbh the idea of never again being able to touch a cutesy *** white girl like that because of baldness makes me want to legit rip out my liver. those kinds of young sweet looking girls never go for baldies. it wud be creepy looking anyways.

meanwhile fat loser looking guys like this get to have her cuz of hair . . . . .

Even though he has hair I still don't get how he got her. Although one thing is for sure; he didn't do it by staying home.


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he couldve easily gotten her, imo looks match. The blonde looks like a 13 y/o swag yolo chick, they hit on every guy older than 16

meh, Id eat her butt! Shes a bit sloppy but cute

also understand they prob attend the same school or have the same friends or some other sort of mutual thing that introduced them.
In a situation like that a girl will eventually look past certain abnormalities and start falling for a guys other qualities. Same can happen with guy to girl. Its happened to me in the past where I started to like a girl for some reason other that her looks. I mean they still mattered but certain things people found odd I just figured were cute quirks.

on a side note NOTHING would make me happier than seeing an after shot with just her feet in the air cause she fell head first off that fuqing chair she standing on!


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I dont understand this. Everyone here was telling me that Cara Delevigne and Mila Kunis are not 8s or 9s, but everyone is somehow commenting on how hot this 13 y/o emo yolo swag girl is. First of all, that is kind of pedo and creepy, second of all she is chubby, and third of all, she has marijuana logo on her phone at 13.

- - - Updated - - -

If someone offered me a million dollars to sleep with her, I wouldnt, I know I wouldnt be able to get it up because all of the reasons I mentioned above.

Guys in their 20s shouldnt be talking about 13 year old girls, leave these girls for the 15year olds

is she 13? I would hope not and shes at least 17..... hey if Winger and Joan Jet say its alright!


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He looks like he has fatceps.

Haha, I agree.

I've thought this for ages. Seen a few people I know go through the lifting phase and some are quite muscley now, but many still just look fat underneath it all.


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Clueless if you think these are fatcepts.



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The guy in the pic just holds less water and fat in his system and works out more, the average working joe works 8 to twelve hours a day and drinks a lot of liquids and eats a lot more of high calorie junk foods, that's why were not ripped like him, fat and water gets held in our system as a reserve for when we eat and drink too much,our bodies think they're starving and hold water and fat as a result, if you have a few days off of work, exercise, preferrably to where you sweat and eat less on those days you'll cut some weight usually after the first couple or few days. My personal story, I was once 247 pounds or more at 6 foot 3 and when I wake up now I weigh 220 pounds,you cant argue with results, I dont need to exercise as much anymore,diet and rest work best if you throw in exercise and cut some of your daily calorie and water intake your gold! give it a try!


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The guy in the pic just holds less water and fat in his system and works out more, the average working joe works 8 to twelve hours a day and drinks a lot of liquids and eats a lot more of high calorie junk foods, that's why were not ripped like him, fat and water gets held in our system as a reserve for when we eat and drink too much,our bodies think they're starving and hold water and fat as a result, if you have a few days off of work, exercise, preferrably to where you sweat and eat less on those days you'll cut some weight usually after the first couple or few days. My personal story, I was once 247 pounds or more at 6 foot 3 and when I wake up now I weigh 220 pounds,you cant argue with results, I dont need to exercise as much anymore,diet and rest work best if you throw in exercise and cut some of your daily calorie and water intake your gold! give it a try!

I do need more rest, but unfortunately I'd need to be single to get it and doubly unfortunate I can't GET single!