Hair is Thinner on Duprost, but No Hairs are Falling Out


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I've been on Duprost .5 for the last 20 days, and my hair is definitely thinner. The crown area is thinning more, and while I stopped minoxidil. about 45 days ago, I often that it takes longer than that for accumulated hair to fall out. My body hair growth hasn't leveled off, and I never see hairs even when I vigorously go through my hair for awhile.

I'm scared that I'm one of those diffuse thinners that doesn't respond to either finast. or dutasteride.

i hear some people have results with both at the same time, alternating. should i give that a shot? or did people ever get thinning without shedding in the initial months?


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harey said:
I've been on Duprost .5 for the last 20 days, and my hair is definitely thinner.

Are you implying that 20 days of dutasteride had an impact on your hair so far?


Blah blah blah. Whatever man. People who take off label prescriptions to enhance superficial vanity are crazy people. Don't listen to a word any one says as I won't take you seriously.

Just take your treatments and don't speculate about what could be!

I am on Duprost 1mg.