Hair IS thinning now


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I'd just like to say to all the guys who are ticked off at me because I'm a guy 'without' male pattern baldness- well, my hairline is slowly, but surely, taking a beating.

My left temple to be exact has receded a little further, and is thinning above my ears. I noticed this the other day- I had one of those days where I did a double-take in the mirror- and noticed that my left forehead was wider. I said, 'damn, it wasn't always like that, was it?' It looks like I will eventually lose my hair here, and on the other side as well, which isn't as bad yet.

So anyhow, I'm just hoping that Propecia will somehow reverse this, or perhaps I'm going through one of these magical 'sheds'- maybe my hair is thinning a little but is just in its growth cycle or something.

Just thought I'd confirm the fact that I'm actually NOT the guy who comes on here without any thinning.


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Stay on propecia and be consistent with the dosages. Give it enough time to do its job. It should work for you very well since you are just starting to thin. good luck.