hair length


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I have been letting my hair grow long, I have not cut it since about december ( was really short), it is probably about 3 or 4 inches long. I noptice back in March that I started to shed a bit. I have been on finasteride for about 3 weeks or so. My question is does growing your hair longer induce more shedding or does it just make it more noticable? I probably lose about 15 to 20 hair while in the shower in the morning and less than that at night. I occasionally see a hair or two fall throughout the day. My shedding has only increased I believe very little since the finasteride. My question is would growing my hair out long make me shed since it has been going on for a little bit and will the finasteride eventually stop this?


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You never stop shedding, I'm sure you're aware that shedding hair is totally normal, and losing a few during the day from running your hands through your hair and such is totally acceptable. As for growing out your hair contributing to your shed, not likely, I'd say it's because you're noticing them alot more, it's easier for them to get caught in your face and such when they fall out, so you notice every single one. When your hair's short, you can lose 'em and just not even notice it happened. Plus they're harder to see when they're sitting there, long hairs tend to be very easily spotted.


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So if I grew my hair longer wouldn't that make more fall out because of the shaft being weak and not being able to support the length of my hair? I noticed today that the shedding had increased while showering, I usually shower twice a day, but yesterday just once, so when I got in the shower this morning, I must have shed about 50 or 60 hairs.


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It doesnt matter........when your hairs longer you think your shedding more just cause your long hair is so visible.