Hair Loss Advice.. Transplant? Medication?


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Hi, I am looking into getting a hair transplant and currently researching the best places in Turkey. I have had a few consultations and most are saying I have a very good donor area (in the pics its short but when long its very thick). I had 3 consultations and all said around 3500 would be a big improvement.

I have not taken any sort of medication Propecia, Minoxidil, Dutasteride etc.. I am thinking of doing that first but then I was hoping to go for the transplant in September 17 so it may be pointless starting? or it may be worth taking the medication for a year to see what can be done and then doing the transplant.

Have a look at the pictures and let me know what you think.

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Just my opinion as I'm no expert, I'd at least take finasteride for a year then decide. You could see enough improvement where you wouldn't need the transplant, and if you still decide to get it at least you'll know your loss has stabilized.


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You should start Propecia and wait to see how well it works, you may have a shed after you start it as the weaker follicles react and eventually grow back stronger. 3500 grafts seems about right once you get a procedure, some for the hairline and the rest to fill in the crown. Your hair looks pretty good though, you have caught it early enough to only need one procedure.


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You should start Propecia and wait to see how well it works, you may have a shed after you start it as the weaker follicles react and eventually grow back stronger. 3500 grafts seems about right once you get a procedure, some for the hairline and the rest to fill in the crown. Your hair looks pretty good though, you have caught it early enough to only need one procedure.

Thanks for this.. When you say caught it early enough to only need one procedure what do you mean? As in, if I take the Propecia now I will only need one procedure? How long would you recommend taking this for before getting the procedure? Is this available on the NHS, if not I will set up a monthly plan with someone like Boots the chemist.



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Just my opinion as I'm no expert, I'd at least take finasteride for a year then decide. You could see enough improvement where you wouldn't need the transplant, and if you still decide to get it at least you'll know your loss has stabilized.

Thanks for the advice. What is the difference between Finasteride and the Popecia.. I see people recommending these two a lot among others and cant decide which one to go with. My problem is, I wanted the hair transplant done in Sept 17 as I am getting married in July 19. It takes around a year for the hair to fully grow and so I thought at least having it done this year would give it plenty of time.

Can't I just take the medication from now straight through during the transplant and then onward?


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finasteride & propecia are the same thing. They come with risk of sexual side effects which you must monitor.

I'd do just finasteride and see how well you respond before getting the transplant, add minoxidil too


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Day 1 on Finasteride. I'm thinking about getting some Minoxidil to go along side this.

I've read a bit about possible side effects that are a bit worrying so i'll let anyone know if I experience any of these!

My thinking is to run Finasteride and Minoxidil for 2-3 years and see where i'm at. If the hair does not get worst or improves.. happy days. If I feel it's not doing much or am still not happy with the my hair I will get a hair transplant. (That also gives 2-3 more years for the hair transplant technology to further develop, even though its already doing a pretty decent job these days.)

I will be happy if the Finasteride maintains what I have or improves it but if I feel its not doing much after a year I will stop and go straight down the hair transplant route.

My other issue is, I do mens physique / body building and take some fat loss drugs to get stage ready for periods of about 12 weeks per year before shows.. both over and under the counter products. (I am open about this so no secrets being told here.) BUT.. will this affects the Finasteride is my query?



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Day 1 on Finasteride. I'm thinking about getting some Minoxidil to go along side this.

I've read a bit about possible side effects that are a bit worrying so i'll let anyone know if I experience any of these!

My thinking is to run Finasteride and Minoxidil for 2-3 years and see where i'm at. If the hair does not get worst or improves.. happy days. If I feel it's not doing much or am still not happy with the my hair I will get a hair transplant. (That also gives 2-3 more years for the hair transplant technology to further develop, even though its already doing a pretty decent job these days.)

I will be happy if the Finasteride maintains what I have or improves it but if I feel its not doing much after a year I will stop and go straight down the hair transplant route.

My other issue is, I do mens physique / body building and take some fat loss drugs to get stage ready for periods of about 12 weeks per year before shows.. both over and under the counter products. (I am open about this so no secrets being told here.) BUT.. will this affects the Finasteride is my query?

did u start propecia and got any sides?

dr dhananjay

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I will suggest going for hair loss treatments first to save the existing hairs. Of Course, if you are facing the male pattern baldness, then you must take hair loss medications like Minoxidil & finasteride along with some evidence-based medicines like PRP, mesotherapy with the help of Dermatologist. Then, wait for around 4 months and look for a positive difference. Then also, if you continue to lose then wait to get your hair loss stabilised, otherwise it will create problems in future such as transplanted hairs in the front area & continued loss of hairs in the back or non-transplanted area. After all this, hair transplant will be good for you. Thank you!