
Hair Loss At 17 Suggested Treatments?


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Alright so here is my situation, im 17 years old and still growing so i think my best option is to shy away from finasteride. Basically what im asking is what should i do in this situation? I dont notice a lot of hair fall, as it doesnt just fall out in clumps or pull out when i tug on it, is it possible this isnt hair loss and its something else and if so what? im looking for any suggestions or just any help at all.


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I see some diffuse thinning. The question is how long? Sudden or slow progression? Is it noticeably different than what you had before? If so, Step #1 - see your MD to rule out any medical cause before you do any treatment recommended here.


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I see some diffuse thinning. The question is how long? Sudden or slow progression? Is it noticeably different than what you had before? If so, Step #1 - see your MD to rule out any medical cause before you do any treatment recommended here.

I had long hair for a few years and then decided to cut it off i began to notice it with my short hair, Its not progressing fast though as far as i can tell i don't see any hair loss and i think its remained pretty much the same for a while now


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Norwood 2 diffusing in a norwood 5a pattern. You have very fine hair in general which makes it worse. Propecia when you hit 18 and nizoral 2% shampoo a few times a week, and consider planning for a future FUT transplant, cos at that rate of diffusing you'll be bald at 22 without propecia.

michel sapin

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certainly not diffusing in a Norwood 5 pattern bro . even when i was 16 with perfect hair , ou could see my scalp under harsh light like this with spiked haircut . jean luc you tend to overreact sometimes .

but take propecia man , this is the only med which can save you .


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I would never have sacrificed my libido at that age for concern over future hair loss. The risks of course must be weighed against individual desires.


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I would never have sacrificed my libido at that age for concern over future hair loss. The risks of course must be weighed against individual desires.

I'm on finasteride and my sex drive is exactly the same as before I started. I still get a boner on the bus if I see a cute girl and from the bumpiness.