Hair Loss At 20? Any Advice How To Prevent Any Further Hair Loss? Is It Normal?


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Hey guys I’m new to this forum but I’m so glad I found it. I’m sorry for the long post but I just wanted to put all the details in there for a better understanding.

Growing up I used to have really thick hair the point that I would pray for thinner hair because I didn’t know how to deal with it (always want what you don’t have). During that time I admit I was very hard on my hair as I used heat on it daily as well as washing it and going to sleep with wet hair every single night. I didn’t notice any negative effects until around my junior year when the actual strands of my hair started to change. They went from being thick and dark brown to thin and light brown/blond. At first I was kind of happy and my senior year of high school and my freshman year of college is when I loved my hair the most and decided to grow it out. It was still thick and healthy but it wasn’t as massive and big as it once was. Then my sophomore year of college I noticed my hair was only half as thick as it used to be and the lighter and thinner hair strands started to dominate most of my head. I thought it was from the longer length, the new layers I got, and the years and years of getting my hair thinned out so I didn’t think much of it. Then about a month ago my hair felt very dry, dull, frizzy and I had a ton of split end so I decided to get a hair-cut (hair dresser noted that my hair seemed thinner). I got about 3-4 inches cut off but then I got side bangs which I didn’t particularly like and as a result I ended up spending a lot of time in the mirror trying to fix it and that’s when I noticed that my hair really seemed to be thinning. Up-close and under bathroom lighting I can see my scalp through the hairs on my head, which I never noticed before. It’s like I can see the top of my head and all the individual roots of my hair strands. My part also seems like it thinning as it seems like its wider then a normal part. When I run my fingers through the hair on top of my head it feels practically like nothing but the back and sides still feel normal. I have since cut back on using heating tools and I started washing my hair every other day instead of every day. I have also noticed that I am losing a lot of hair daily (like I constantly shedding them) but it’s been like that for a lot of my life. I’m so nervous that it’s going to keep getting worse. I’m only 20 so what is it going to be like in 10, 20, or 30 years? I do have anxiety issues so maybe it’s stress? I have had my thyroid checked (it was slightly high at 3.99 TSH) and a CBC but the Doctor said everything was normal.? My dad use to have thick hair but he started going bald in his 30’s while my mom had always had thin hair but it has remained constant. Is there anything I should do to prevent further hair loss? What causes hair loss? Is this normal? Any advice or information would be greatly appreciated.


My Regimen
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Sorry this happened to you.

you have to go to a diagnosis from a dermatologist and endochronolgist.

Once you get a diagnosis then you can look into various treatments.


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This problem may be due to genetic reasons. It is recommended to not wash your hair every two days instead wash hairs 2 or 3 times every week. Try doing meditation, it helps in relaxing your body nerves. Some home remedies such as applying the onion juice can aid in hair loss. Try food supplements which are abundant in collagen hence collagen is responsible for healthy hairs.

So far you made 4 posts.

Two were about Satinique Products
One was about Yana products
and the 4th was about 'all natural products' instead of hair transplants.


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well, this can be diagnosis by the doctor with certain tests and it seems that something wrong with your hair health. Don't be late as you can regrow your hair if you treat early. this article may give you idea about hair loss in women. chek out this and try to learn how you can find right cure. Wish you all the best... www hairtransplantmap com/hair-loss-in-women/


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You can see an endocrinologist, but don't be surprised if nothing that is found makes much of a difference. I'm pretty jaded on the healthy-women-don't-get-hair-loss thing because I can see many, many women every day who have incredibly obvious signs of female pattern baldness and/or diffuse thinning--even though the vast majority would agree with the statement "I have less hair than I did 10 years ago" and then disagree with the statement "I have female pattern baldness or diffuse thinning." I think many women DO get baldness but because it looks different than in men, it's badly underdiagnosed and women tend to try silly things to fix it far more than men do.

I'd start minoxidil right away. It's not going to hurt you if there's another cause for your hair thinning--it will most likely contribute to your recovery no matter what. Prepare to get blown off for your vanity, though. Most endocrinologist will likely treat you this way, not believing that women should care about hair thinning since they so rarely go completely bald.


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Hey guys I’m new to this forum but I’m so glad I found it. I’m sorry for the long post but I just wanted to put all the details in there for a better understanding.

Growing up I used to have really thick hair the point that I would pray for thinner hair because I didn’t know how to deal with it (always want what you don’t have). During that time I admit I was very hard on my hair as I used heat on it daily as well as washing it and going to sleep with wet hair every single night. I didn’t notice any negative effects until around my junior year when the actual strands of my hair started to change. They went from being thick and dark brown to thin and light brown/blond. At first I was kind of happy and my senior year of high school and my freshman year of college is when I loved my hair the most and decided to grow it out. It was still thick and healthy but it wasn’t as massive and big as it once was. Then my sophomore year of college I noticed my hair was only half as thick as it used to be and the lighter and thinner hair strands started to dominate most of my head. I thought it was from the longer length, the new layers I got, and the years and years of getting my hair thinned out so I didn’t think much of it. Then about a month ago my hair felt very dry, dull, frizzy and I had a ton of split end so I decided to get a hair-cut (hair dresser noted that my hair seemed thinner). I got about 3-4 inches cut off but then I got side bangs which I didn’t particularly like and as a result I ended up spending a lot of time in the mirror trying to fix it and that’s when I noticed that my hair really seemed to be thinning. Up-close and under bathroom lighting I can see my scalp through the hairs on my head, which I never noticed before. It’s like I can see the top of my head and all the individual roots of my hair strands. My part also seems like it thinning as it seems like its wider then a normal part. When I run my fingers through the hair on top of my head it feels practically like nothing but the back and sides still feel normal. I have since cut back on using heating tools and I started washing my hair every other day instead of every day. I have also noticed that I am losing a lot of hair daily (like I constantly shedding them) but it’s been like that for a lot of my life. I’m so nervous that it’s going to keep getting worse. I’m only 20 so what is it going to be like in 10, 20, or 30 years? I do have anxiety issues so maybe it’s stress? I have had my thyroid checked (it was slightly high at 3.99 TSH) and a CBC but the Doctor said everything was normal.? My dad use to have thick hair but he started going bald in his 30’s while my mom had always had thin hair but it has remained constant. Is there anything I should do to prevent further hair loss? What causes hair loss? Is this normal? Any advice or information would be greatly appreciated.

Hey aaa_21!! I've been there and I resonate with every single thing you're saying. I speak about my journey and my struggles and what has happened today!! Please go to my profile and click on posting to take a look at the thread. I'm turning 21 this year too and I told myself I would help as much as I could when I've found out more about what I was going through!