Hair Loss Clinical Research Pipeline Released


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HairLossTalk Members:

It's an exciting time in hair loss research, and as a result, we have just released a new section on the site covering the research projects, and new hair loss treatments currently in the pipeline.

Hair Loss Clinical Research | Development Pipeline

You can click on each item to see a page dedicated to the treatment. Please check these pages often, as we will be adding links to new information, interviews with the teams, and updates on their status.


Many thanks to Swoop for his invaluable contribution of information while we had this page put together. If you could all do us a favor and click the text links on the page to share this very important page across social media, it will help get the word out, and hopefully become a hub for sourcing this information.


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My Regimen
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totally agreed. the B.T.T. forum was only popular because there used to be many knowledgeable people who regularly posted new research and information. however, the moderators and kobren are to blame that they destroyed the whole charm there. they didn't even let us raise money for hellouser's trip to the congress.
meanwhile some good portion of users moved from there to here, and we should really try to avoid posting new information there again.
let's keep everything in this forum. it will be easier for everyone to have all the information and discussions at one place.
it's a pity we can't tell everyone on B.T.T. to move over here. there is no possibility of private messaging over there, and as soon as you post it publically within a thread, you will get banned. but who cares about being banned there anyway.

Make sure you guys have AdBlock enabled if even visiting any of Spencer Kobren's websites. Better yet, you can block any and all of his domains with the tutorial found in the link below:

This way your computer will NEVER access any of his sites; zero traffic means zero impressions on his ads which means he'll get zero clients. After all his and his mods censorship, deceit and incredible disrespect towards the hair loss community, this is long overdue.
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Senior Member
My Regimen
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This website has immensely evolved.... From the new actual website design to the absolutely outstanding research the members of this forum provide. It also feels like a scientific and hairloss community. GREAT work admin and great work to everyone on this thread; we need this positivity!

small fighter

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HairLossTalk Members:

It's an exciting time in hair loss research, and as a result, we have just released a new section on the site covering the research projects, and new hair loss treatments currently in the pipeline.

Hair Loss Clinical Research | Development Pipeline

You can click on each item to see a page dedicated to the treatment. Please check these pages often, as we will be adding links to new information, interviews with the teams, and updates on their status.


Many thanks to Swoop for his invaluable contribution of information while we had this page put together. If you could all do us a favor and click the text links on the page to share this very important page across social media, it will help get the word out, and hopefully become a hub for sourcing this information.
i am 16 year old and no hair loss but i want To know how i can stop future hairloss latest..


My Regimen
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Perhaps we could figure out a way to spread awareness... something like that Rogaine "Bald Wingman" thing but without actually insulting the entire hair loss community?

who knows, maybe it'll even help ease the disrespect society has towards baldness?

Hells yeah b**ch!! Seriously though, this is an amazing idea. What do we have to lose. Someone needs to make a well produced, semi-emotional, informative six minute video concerning baldness, treatments and the pipeline treatments. Put it on youtube and EVERYONE here can spread the word through facebook, insta-tinder or whatever you kids are jamming with now-a-days. Count me in b**ch!!

-hell, throughout this community alone, if forum members watched it multiple times, we could get thousands of views.


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My Regimen
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Hells yeah b**ch!! Seriously though, this is an amazing idea. What do we have to lose. Someone needs to make a well produced, semi-emotional, informative six minute video concerning baldness, treatments and the pipeline treatments. Put it on youtube and EVERYONE here can spread the word through facebook, insta-tinder or whatever you kids are jamming with now-a-days. Count me in b**ch!!

-hell, throughout this community alone, if forum members watched it multiple times, we could get thousands of views.

We'd need a lot of funds to pull off that kind of project though; actors, videographers, editors, motion graphics designer, music...

This kind of work takes a LOT of time to produce.


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Which one of these is considered a "cure", if any? If none, which seems most promising at this point?


Experienced Member
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Which one of these is considered a "cure", if any? If none, which seems most promising at this point?
Tsuji and Replicel but for many with aggressive Androgenetic Alopecia histogen could bridge them to the cure.


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Replicel still has a lot to prove though with P2 results, their P1 results showed very modest hair counts, though I know it's just a POC.

However given their mechanism (theoretically permanent maintenance rather than Histogen's regrowth), the usual "haircounts" that are measured at 6-12 months might not be that illuminating, since it may not regrow (increase haircount) that much. Would need long term studies like finasteride which could show people at/above baseline 5+ years after their injection.


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Replicel still has a lot to prove though with P2 results, their P1 results showed very modest hair counts, though I know it's just a POC.

However given their mechanism (theoretically permanent maintenance rather than Histogen's regrowth), the usual "haircounts" that are measured at 6-12 months might not be that illuminating, since it may not regrow (increase haircount) that much. Would need long term studies like finasteride which could show people at/above baseline 5+ years after their injection.

They will have results from 5 year phase 1 this year.


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Ok, I know I have mentioned this in the past, and I know every treatment requires a certain level of risk some more, and some less than others. I just wanted to look at the growth factors involved in Histogen's HSC, and their relationship with cancer just to get an idea of the safety profile. I noticed this with regards to the KGF growth factors, and this for VEGF growth factors . Anyone with a pretty good understanding of these growth factors willing to chime in to put my mind at ease? Part of the reason it worries me is I have had a benign lymph node taken out from my scalp in the past. I know they have been through a safety profile, but i'm assuming several drugs that have caused issues passed these same profiles. Am I over reacting to be worried about the possible negative side effects of these growth factors?


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Ok, I know I have mentioned this in the past, and I know every treatment requires a certain level of risk some more, and some less than others. I just wanted to look at the growth factors involved in Histogen's HSC, and their relationship with cancer just to get an idea of the safety profile. I noticed this with regards to the KGF growth factors, and this for VEGF growth factors . Anyone with a pretty good understanding of these growth factors willing to chime in to put my mind at ease? Part of the reason it worries me is I have had a benign lymph node taken out from my scalp in the past. I know they have been through a safety profile, but i'm assuming several drugs that have caused issues passed these same profiles. Am I over reacting to be worried about the possible negative side effects of these growth factors?

Two things in short:

1) KGF/FGF7 and VEGF are some of many factors that promote growth in a normal cell cycle. A tumor - and ultimately, cancer - only happens when the cell cycle goes awry and the proper guarding mechanisms fail to drive the cell to apoptosis (e.g. pRb protein:

More on this: +

2) There are unmistakable bio-markers that can be measured when a tissue starts to break away from the normal cell cycle and towards tumorigenesis. Not to mention that the tissues themselves tend to adopt abnormal histological characteristics and shapes that can be seen with a microscope. That doesn't mean HSC is 100% safe but Histogen should have a pretty good idea whether their compound induces tumorigenesis or not.

In your case, the benign tumor on your scalp might have just been a fluke, as are most tumors, and isn't necessarily indicative of faulty cell cycle mechanisms. This means that you're probably just as likely as anyone else to show an increased risk to develop a tumor if you ever try HSC, which is statistically very low unless HSC does indeed promote neoplasia on its own.


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So basically in the short term we are hoping to hear something (see photos) from brotzu's lotion before 2016 year end. If that does'n happen then we should hear something solid from Histogen during 2017 (better photos / Mexico timeline update). If that doesn't happen then we should expect something from Sesheido during 2018 (at least photos or posibly treatment release in Japan). If that doesn't hapen then we should expect some news from Tjitsu by 2019 regarding their expected treatment for 2020....Man I hope we get at least a finasteride substitute without sides by 2020! It looks promising but wen I think that I have already waited for more than 10 years for something to work my hopes are turned off...but well, lets try to keep the good vibes!!
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