hair loss crushed me


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Hi everyone, well my story is probably similar to yours. Started loseing hair in my early twentys which was very devastating as I was already recovering from a stressful event. For the next 8 years, i lost all motivation in pursuing a career and had numerous mental breakdowns. Finally I went to a pychologist and got on antidepressents which really took the edge off. Damn, I still freakout sometimes and in a bad mood for days.
What I really want is to be happy and not obsesse over this sh*t and truly be in the now. Anyone else feel me?


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I used to feel just like you. Go to But wait till Feb 14 when I get my piece and give a full report. My vertex started thinning recently, and I'd be crushed and scared to death were it not for the fact that I know about these pieces. Just learned about them recently. Technology is moving along.

Yeah, I gave up on my life long ago and have not accomplished much either. I'm 28 and still in college working on my first degree. Never had a real girlfriend. But I've not given up hope on the future. I just keep going to the gym, eating right, not drinking, trying to save as much of my youth as I can.

Hey guess what; did you know that women don't date guys who don't make a physical move on them? Being good looking and nice and asking them to be your girlfriend is not enough. You have to make a physical move or her answer will be no. Read the book "god is a woman", on I sh*t you not, that book will change your life.

hair today gone tomorrow

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collegechemistrystudent said:
I used to feel just like you. Go to But wait till Feb 14 when I get my piece and give a full report. My vertex started thinning recently, and I'd be crushed and scared to death were it not for the fact that I know about these pieces. Just learned about them recently. Technology is moving along.

Yeah, I gave up on my life long ago and have not accomplished much either. I'm 28 and still in college working on my first degree. Never had a real girlfriend. But I've not given up hope on the future. I just keep going to the gym, eating right, not drinking, trying to save as much of my youth as I can.

Hey guess what; did you know that women don't date guys who don't make a physical move on them? Being good looking and nice and asking them to be your girlfriend is not enough. You have to make a physical move or her answer will be no. Read the book "god is a woman", on I $#iT you not, that book will change your life.

thats bullshit...dude ive had girls and even older women give me their phone numbers while i was workin at a gas station!! they gave me their numbers without even me showing any interest in them....making a physical move...yah right.


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CCS, talk to us about dating when you lose your virginity man

bro, its all about being confident, stylish, and having a great sense of humor.

Getting too physical with girls wont get you anywhere, you will earn a bad name as a pervert.


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hair today gone tomorrow said:
collegechemistrystudent said:
I used to feel just like you. Go to But wait till Feb 14 when I get my piece and give a full report. My vertex started thinning recently, and I'd be crushed and scared to death were it not for the fact that I know about these pieces. Just learned about them recently. Technology is moving along.

Yeah, I gave up on my life long ago and have not accomplished much either. I'm 28 and still in college working on my first degree. Never had a real girlfriend. But I've not given up hope on the future. I just keep going to the gym, eating right, not drinking, trying to save as much of my youth as I can.

Hey guess what; did you know that women don't date guys who don't make a physical move on them? Being good looking and nice and asking them to be your girlfriend is not enough. You have to make a physical move or her answer will be no. Read the book "god is a woman", on I $#iT you not, that book will change your life.

thats bullshit...dude ive had girls and even older women give me their phone numbers while i was workin at a gas station!! they gave me their numbers without even me showing any interest in them....making a physical move...yah right.

you did not ask her for her number, and she just gave it to you? And you did not show interest? Probably not getting the whole story.


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RaginDemon said:
CCS, talk to us about dating when you lose your virginity man

bro, its all about being confident, stylish, and having a great sense of humor.

Getting too physical with girls wont get you anywhere, you will earn a bad name as a pervert.

I don't mean go around grabbing women's butts at parties. i mean if she invites you back to her place, for ANY reason, you should at least challenge her to a thumb war, and maybe try to kiss her if that goes well. If you do nothing, she might lose interest. Depending on the situation and her body language and yours and what you say, there is nothing wrong with teasing and making her wait. But read her body language and energy level. Common sense is required here. Maybe she is in a hurry and just getting something, in which case it would not be good.


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collegechemistrystudent said:
RaginDemon said:
CCS, talk to us about dating when you lose your virginity man

bro, its all about being confident, stylish, and having a great sense of humor.

Getting too physical with girls wont get you anywhere, you will earn a bad name as a pervert.

I don't mean go around grabbing women's butts at parties. i mean if she invites you back to her place, for ANY reason, you should at least challenge her to a thumb war.

No you should'nt, unless you're 10 yrs old. :smack:
But yes if you're alone together after a date its time to make a move, I cant believe you did'nt realise that last summer. :blush:


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lovemyhair your story is similar to mine... I had lots of breakdowns but still i managed to get a degree and a good job. Though i have lots of depression. Some weekends i dont leave the bed.

Well you know... we have to be patient and work hard to create and then grab our chances. From last year i learned that if we fight with hard work, time and knowledge as our weapons slowly we will conquer heart and respect from others.

hair today gone tomorrow

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collegechemistrystudent said:
hair today gone tomorrow said:
collegechemistrystudent said:
I used to feel just like you. Go to But wait till Feb 14 when I get my piece and give a full report. My vertex started thinning recently, and I'd be crushed and scared to death were it not for the fact that I know about these pieces. Just learned about them recently. Technology is moving along.

Yeah, I gave up on my life long ago and have not accomplished much either. I'm 28 and still in college working on my first degree. Never had a real girlfriend. But I've not given up hope on the future. I just keep going to the gym, eating right, not drinking, trying to save as much of my youth as I can.

Hey guess what; did you know that women don't date guys who don't make a physical move on them? Being good looking and nice and asking them to be your girlfriend is not enough. You have to make a physical move or her answer will be no. Read the book "god is a woman", on I $#iT you not, that book will change your life.

thats bullshit...dude ive had girls and even older women give me their phone numbers while i was workin at a gas station!! they gave me their numbers without even me showing any interest in them....making a physical move...yah right.

you did not ask her for her number, and she just gave it to you? And you did not show interest? Probably not getting the whole story.

nope never asked....i just talked to them cuz a lot of people i used to see all the time cuz they were regular customers...i guess talking to them showed interest but i never asked any of them for phone numbers and i still got a bunch and this was at a gas station!! lol....(this was while i was still in school...i no longer work there)


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s.a.f said:
collegechemistrystudent said:
RaginDemon said:
CCS, talk to us about dating when you lose your virginity man

bro, its all about being confident, stylish, and having a great sense of humor.

Getting too physical with girls wont get you anywhere, you will earn a bad name as a pervert.

I don't mean go around grabbing women's butts at parties. i mean if she invites you back to her place, for ANY reason, you should at least challenge her to a thumb war.

No you should'nt, unless you're 10 yrs old. :smack:
But yes if you're alone together after a date its time to make a move, I cant believe you did'nt realise that last summer. :blush:

He still has some time hehe

Hans Gruber

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CCS no offence but youre fuc king nuts


ccs, oh ccs,

i told you it's true that women rarely approach guys to hit on them a lot less often than the reverse happens. that is true. but by no means does a guy have to make a PHYSICAL move on a girl if he wants her number or something like that or wants to take it further with her later. All he has to do is SHOW INTEREST, and if SHE is interested TOO, then it naturally progresses. It's a FEEL thing, not the SCIENTIFIC METHOD. People are HUMAN and they have EMOTIONS and they are IMPERFECT and do not always act RATIONALLY and that is what makes LOVE so great and you must GET THIS THROUGH YOUR HEAD before you piss your entire life away.

Cause, seriously, imagine if everyone acted rationally in relationships and acted the way you think they do. We wouldn't have a successful married couple EVER


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I find confidence and great sense of humor are dead weapons in term of scoring girls.

As long as you can make them smile, you are getting close to their hearts.

Dont act like an idiot to make them laugh though.