
Hair loss due to stress?


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Anyone knows to what degree one can lose their hair due to stress? Are they usually regrown? I am 24 now and I started losing hair when I was 21 right after a prolonged stressful period when I was both having mental and physical stress. I was having board finals on which my future was going to depend on so I was studying all day and was really tensed about the actual exam, also I was having 1/1.5 year long throat infection for which I took 3/4 different types of medicine. Then I got into university and did not eat healthy food for about 3/4 months. So december of 2009 I stared losing bunch of hair from all over (mostly in the back) also keep losing eyebrow hairs and beards whenever I pull them.The stress is not gone yet, as I moved to the US and do not get enough sleep at night usually. What condition I might be in? I am suspicious about Telogen Effluvium due to stress, but is it common for it to stay this long? CTE perhaps? I am not bald, but have lost ton of hairs and usually its the shorter ones that I lose the most.Will it grow back?? I am going through a horrid time since hairloss have started.


Experienced Member
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hi I am no expert but as far as I understand, stress related hair loss grow back once the trigger is removed. But you should go and see a doctor really...