Hair loss during treatment - please help


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Hi guys, I'm just finishing my 4th pack of finasteride for this I also use minoxidil 2% just on top of my head. Some progress is on top of my head but now my hair has started to fall out of the front of me in greater amounts. Do you think this is a normal reaction and it will be better after the next 6 months?


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Wypadanie włosów jest na poziomie od 30 do 80 dziennie. Największe ubytki oddechy w 1. i 2., do 300 nawilżania dziennie. Używam Minoxidilu tylko na czubku głowy, skóry skóry nie jest podrażniona. Niewielka fundacja na czubku, ale jest regresem z przodu, gdzie kolejny wykonawca, który wykonał na czubek głowy i powstała kolportaż, który miał problem.


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All I can say is add Keto. Otherwise using 2 percent Minoxidil is brilliant and if they had prizes on here i would give you one. Keto and maybe Selsun and some others can all help with the inflammation Will and Janey both recommend.


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I use Nizoral shampoo once a week but it has no effect. I will add that 4 months ago I had no complaints about my front hair
I usually link but you seem to know that the owner of the site wrote an article on inflammation that might either assuage young minds or the opposite. Most of it was very hip she says Janey says.


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Do you think if I keep on sticking to Big 3 maybe it will improve in 6 months?
Yes <nods thoughtfully>Janey emphasizes microneedling for scalp neck and face for best overall looks results. What I do is estrogel and retin-A and collagen I use on neck and face and estrogel and retin.


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Yes, if "I'm just finishing my 4th pack of finasteride" means you're 4 months into treating it?

Shedding of hair from starting finasteride is common, so hair often looks worse than you started - temporarily. This is viewed by many as a good sign that it's having an effect

So no reason to start getting worried and changing your routine too much unless you don't see improvements by month 8-12

Keep doing Nizoral 1-2 times a week, it definitely helps. Dries out your hair, but a good conditioner after it can help.

If you want to maximize regrowth, then your use of minoxidil is good. But 2% is very weak, much better to use 5%. And adding dermarolling will also greatly increase efficacy of minoxidil

But I'd suggest if your starting point in hair loss wasn't too bad, you might want to simply stop minoxidil and wait a little longer until you see if finasteride can help by itself. You might be able to maintain your hair without needing to use min forever

Stopping min is a risk, but relatively small one because 90% of men respond to finasteride alone in the first year - so you will be able to add min in a few months if you want anyway

Absolutely do not add estrogen to your routine, unless you want to start to turn into a woman. This is an insane suggestion for somebody who's just a few months into starting finasteride
Wait! Where did Janey state to use Estrogel ?and no, it's not even implied for other mortals. I says what I do in terms of hair and scalp and face and taking care of two areas with three meds. So whether it is an insane thing to advise, I take no stance on. All's I do is I keeps growing hair and then posting the pics. How do you prove any of your advice?


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Tak, jeśli „właśnie kończę moje czwarte opakowanie finasterydu” oznacza, że zajęło ci się 4 miesiące leczenia?

Wypadanie włosów po rozpoczęciu finasterydu jest powszechne, więc włosy często wyglądają gorzej niż na początku – tymczasowo. Wielu uważa to za dobry znak, że ma to wpływ

Więc nie ma powodu, aby zacząć się martwić i zbytnio zmieniać swoją rutynę, chyba że nie zauważysz poprawy do 8-12 miesiąca

Rób Nizoral 1-2 razy w tygodniu, to zdecydowanie pomaga. Wysusza włosy, ale dobra odżywka po tym może pomóc.

Jeśli chcesz zmaksymalizować odrastanie, twoje użycie minoksydylu jest dobre. Ale 2% to bardzo słabe, znacznie lepiej użyć 5%. A dodanie dermarollingu znacznie zwiększy skuteczność minoksydylu

Ale sugeruję, że jeśli twój punkt wyjścia w wypadaniu włosów nie był taki zły, możesz po prostu zatrzymać minoksydyl i poczekać trochę dłużej, aż zobaczysz, czy sam finasteryd może pomóc. Możesz być w stanie utrzymać włosy bez konieczności używania min na zawsze

Zatrzymanie min to ryzyko, ale stosunkowo niewielkie, ponieważ 90% mężczyzn reaguje na sam finasteryd w pierwszym roku - więc będziesz mógł dodać min za kilka miesięcy, jeśli i tak chcesz

Absolutnie nie dodawaj estrogenu do swojej rutyny, chyba że chcesz zacząć zamieniać się w kobietę. To szalona sugestia dla kogoś, kto dopiero za kilka miesięcy zaczyna finasteryd
So in two days I start the 5th month on the finasteride. According to people, the improvement should be visible after 3 months (and a little is on the top of the head), but I wonder why during the treatment, when the shedding theoretically stopped, because at the beginning of the treatment there was a loss of up to 100 to 300 hairs a day, this improvement is not visible on the line hair only deterioration (and here I would like to add that 4 months ago I had no problem with the hairline, but with the top of the head) so it is strange for me and it worries me. How do I know it's worse from now on? Because I'm starting to see it visually because my hair is longer.
Here is the link as I started:


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Is there anyone else able to comment on this? Or maybe finasteride isn't working and the hair loss is just progressing? But why then there is an improvement on the top of the head. I really don't get it


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Is there anyone else able to comment on this? Or maybe finasteride isn't working and the hair loss is just progressing? But why then there is an improvement on the top of the head. I really don't get it
A lot of this stuff is confusing even for you know, genius's with the personality of Sheldon on what's that show, you know it it is almost friends popular she utters, Janey does.


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If so, do you think my hairline will at least return to the way it was before taking finasteride after another 6 months? I can't find a similar situation to mine on the forum.


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I use Nizoral shampoo once a week but it has no effect. I will add that 4 months ago I had no complaints about my front hair
Hair loss can be a progressive phenomenon and it usually is, fast too. Add Selsun too as it is medicated and feels good on the scalp and reduces scalp flora which can overrun one's hair with different forms of "refuse" which seems to increase inflammation. "Shedding" from meds known to work, I call benevolent shedding and eh, it's a tough call in terms of riding it out. Because the male regrowth environment for Indo-Europeans/Semites is so hostile, Janey cannot advise beyond this and the articles that come up with using the word "shed" in the search feature which are persuasive. I shed to NW7 in maybe a month but my estrogenic environment was quite benevolent....