Hair Loss Has Given Me Insomnia.........


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Basically the title...

I don't know what is going on but i cannot sleep.

It's been going on for about a week to 10 days i think...but even before that i was having trouble falling asleep.

I try not to sleep off hours just to make sure i will get sleep the next night--but this is not working and i am getting to feel strung out and exhausted.

Im not working full on right now which is normal in my profession I am just filling in a day here and a day there so i am getting away with it..Im probably not going back to a full time until Spring so that is not a major concern...

Has this happen to anyone?

i don't know if it's the topicals but that seems almost paranoid.


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I don't know you personally nor well enough to comment, but I do know a little bit about insomnia.

It may be a side effect from the spironolactone messing with your hormonal profile. I had sleep problems during my thirty days on finasteride.

It may also be that this addictive forum is keeping you up at night, both due to the dopamine and due to the blue light your cell phone and computer. Disregard if you were previously spending time on other kinds of communities.


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Sometimes I get caught in this loop.

Worrying leads to lack of sleep, which in turn leads to more worrying, and each night getting sleep is more and more important and so I get more and more stressed about not sleeping, making it harder to sleep. It usually ends when I become distracted by something else in my life or I become so exhausted I finally get a good night's sleep and stop worrying.

Maybe you're just going through something similar?

Anyways probably no help but I don't have this problem anymore as if I ever have trouble sleeping I just vape some weed, watch cartoons, and fall asleep in minutes.

Also strenuous exercise during the day helps me a bit.


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Try reading a book or something right before you go to bed. Has worked well for me in the past


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Basically the title...

I don't know what is going on but i cannot sleep.

It's been going on for about a week to 10 days i think...but even before that i was having trouble falling asleep.

I try not to sleep off hours just to make sure i will get sleep the next night--but this is not working and i am getting to feel strung out and exhausted.

Im not working full on right now which is normal in my profession I am just filling in a day here and a day there so i am getting away with it..Im probably not going back to a full time until Spring so that is not a major concern...

Has this happen to anyone?

i don't know if it's the topicals but that seems almost paranoid.

i've suffered with insomnia my entire life. basically, if I don't take sleeping pills, I don't sleep. for ten years plus straight, I have taken tylenol or ibuprofin PM EVERY single night. I know it's not healthy, at all... but it puts me to sleep like a baby. for ten years, I have experienced no KNOWN side effects. all my levels are healthy.

I have been trying to wean off this crap though, and I must say liquid melatonin with cherry is incredible stuff for me. you may want to consider this in the short term.

In regards to your issue, David is right, it could be the treaments you're on. When I started RU, I would sleep heavy and hard, for long hours. it was really fucked up. On finasteride, I couldn't sleep at all and I was depressed and anxious as f*** 24-7.

Altering your hormone levels is not something to take lightly. People assume they are doing great because they still have a libido, and are not dead, but they are missing a million other things that could be happening.

Are you considering getting a blood panel done? checking your hormone levels?


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i've suffered with insomnia my entire life. basically, if I don't take sleeping pills, I don't sleep. for ten years plus straight, I have taken tylenol or ibuprofin PM EVERY single night. I know it's not healthy, at all... but it puts me to sleep like a baby. for ten years, I have experienced no KNOWN side effects. all my levels are healthy.

I have been trying to wean off this crap though, and I must say liquid melatonin with cherry is incredible stuff for me. you may want to consider this in the short term.

In regards to your issue, David is right, it could be the treaments you're on. When I started RU, I would sleep heavy and hard, for long hours. it was really fucked up. On finasteride, I couldn't sleep at all and I was depressed and anxious as f*** 24-7.

Altering your hormone levels is not something to take lightly. People assume they are doing great because they still have a libido, and are not dead, but they are missing a million other things that could be happening.

Are you considering getting a blood panel done? checking your hormone levels?

the only reason i don't think its the spironolactone is because when i was on it in the past at a high dose it did not effect my sleep

this blend has caffein in it though--im wondering if that is doing it.

its sucks because i doubt the caffeine is even doing anything--i think the spironolactone may be helping though.

I honestly think its just 'worry''
I'm obsessing about my hair a lot at night not so much how it looks in the moment but the future of it.

I tried a valium but it just made me sleepy and did not actually knock me out.


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melatonin helped me