Hair Loss is just a hurdle and it will be overcome


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Over the past couple of weeks and reading about Intercytex's news, I've begun to think about my life and the baldness which I have.

Excuse me if this is long.

One poster here said it's just another hurdle in life. I've begun to feel the time to end my loss is coming soon with HM.

I noticed my hair line when I saw my hairline was receding the summer before sophomore year slightly so I parted it in the middle for most of high school. I got maybe 2 balding comments that hurt over those years, but I learned to deal with it. I got more in shape and continued martial arts. I've noticed also in the past 6 years, I've had the same hairline.

My sister and mom told me that girls were giving me second looks. Even when I went out with friends, I noticed more looks.

I took a look at my brother who was balding rapidly in his 20's. He looked like a thinning Norwood 5 which is my dad's baldness. Now he shaves the rest off. My aunt made a snide joke about me not having hair for long when comparing me to my brother back in 1999. Well, it's almost a decade later and I still have it despite thinning.

Since hair loss was a problem, why not improve myself so other people won't notice it. It worked a lot, since I've been biking, lifting dumbbells 3 days a week more female co-workers mentioned to me how skinnier I looked. I also am aiming to be on the Dean's List next semester so I can take more courses and get out earlier so I can get my degree and find work to build up to get HM.

I learned that I would have to deal with hair loss until something good comes around and I feel Intercytex is bringing that. I'm already starting to save up the old-fashioned way for this and it feels rewarding you're buying something with hard-earned money. Until then, I'm going to save up, stay in shape, finish school and find a job I love. The rest will fall into place.

For us guys and girls here, we should continue to live our lives and do well despite bad and good times. Keep on working and hanging on.

When you think about it, if HM does well and future versions are perfected, the guys who have good hair and aren't going to go bald are about to face competition from us for things like girls, jobs and opportunities. They once had the upper hand in things, but we are taking back the social life.

If it works for me, I'd like to grow it like neck-length long.

Someone else mentioned a petition to Intercytex, I'd be all for it. Let's unite in our goal of eradicating baldness!

Who's with me?

Hans Gruber

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sign me up! id love to invest in intercytex,im sure youd make a killing! :hairy:


hi angry bald kid. question- how does it feel to be young and bald?

like sh*t?

lol get used to it, it only gets worse-

just imagine in a few short years when you are old and bald.

it's all downhill bud.

bald. bald, bald, bald.

horse shoe head! lol


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How nice of you SlaveTrader :roll:


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you've been a great friend and role model for many of us here on this board, especially me.

God bless you, and continued luck with your schooling.

Whether or not it will become a reality, we will know the answer about HM in the upcoming months.

You're going to be successful no matter what, with or without hair, because you have a good head on your shoulders.

If HM doesn't work out, there will be better treatments in the future, and there's great transplant surgeons, too.

I'd be more than happy to sign an electronic or hand-written petition for HM.

Goodluck, buddy.