Hair loss is really starting to hurt my luck with the ladies


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I've begun to notice ever since i broke up with my last gf about 4 months ago that picking up chicks has become increasingly difficult because my hair loss has worsened. I use to have very little problems hooking up with chicks, and i work out and i do have some decent muscle, and chicks that i've dated loved them but for some reason as my hair gets worse so does my luck with the ladies :( Here is a prime example, I was hangin out at a party last night and i was wearing a hat talkin to some chick and hangin out with her and she decided to snatch my hat off my head and there was a dull silence as she looked at my hair then she put it back on and started talking to my friend who was by me and never gave me attention after that :cry: goes to show you that going bald kills your chances.


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Yea man, it does suck, but this is the culture we live in.


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Yes it does suck
and yes it is true.

I guess on my way to being a baldy, I can certainly say that it reall does kill your looks if your looks depend on your hair.

Some people can get away with it, if they have the right face and good luck to them..
but if u were a young women, would u want to go for a noticable balding person if you had the choice of so many guys hitting on you all the time.

Unless you had something about u that was overwhelmingly attractive, or she was very un superficial then your goin to be at a huge disadvantage.

Im not being negative, I'm not trying to be judgemental, but for a lot of people it's the cold har truth...
at least unlike most things, it does get better when u get older.


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what do you mean "it does get better when u get older?" i.e. as single women get older then tend to settle more, so are you saying they settle on men who might happen to be bald(ing), which gives the bald guy a better chance? Curious to know what you meant? and how old are you again?


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They should like you for who you are and not because you have or hair or don't have hair. But it is the world we live in. :hairy:


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Dont Go Out With A Hat On

she probably saw that you were embarrassed by it, so she was. be confident and the girl will follow you into state.

trust me guys hair has very little to do with pickiing up woman.. I had tons of hair when i was a bit younger but was incredably shy. it's kind of funny that i get more women now than ever. just by being more outgoing and fun. I really only try to find a cure as a hobby.


Yes, it sucks man, I know.

Usually young women care a lot about it. (18-29 years old)

Chicks of 30+ years old accept it better.


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oddly enough as my hair gets worse the girls i'm with get hotter. i think its more because my attitudes changed a bit and i no longer solely rely on my looks to get women.


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same here man... I think its because ive never really held my hair in any sort of esteem when i was younger.. never styled it go months without a haircut... my brother is a bit older than me and freaked out when he was losing it n college... i remember him calling my mom crying about it... I told myself i never would be like that... and im not. thankfully.


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StoptheMadness said:
what do you mean "it does get better when u get older?" i.e. as single women get older then tend to settle more, so are you saying they settle on men who might happen to be bald(ing), which gives the bald guy a better chance? Curious to know what you meant? and how old are you again?

As women get older, they tend to mature more. Things that may have been desirable in early years (hair, muscles, flashy cars) give way to things that really matter (character, fitness to be a father, security, fidelity, By the way, it's the same for men...although we tend to run way behind the curve in comparison.

However, I know for a fact that not every young woman disdains a man with hairloss. Why does everyone think the opposite is true? Because a lot of guys are fishing only in places where the pool of women is entirely composed of Grade C class. Most are not the ones you want to align yourself with to begin with. Orchids don't grow in landfills. Trust me on that point.


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well not to be mean but..

You were at a party. Girls like that are expected. Second, if you're going to go to a party for chicks, never ever wear a hat. They'll do that stupid hat snatch crap and shock the room.

Shock = bad


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People can be such a**holes sometimes. Even guys like to do the hat snatch if they know you are losing your hair. What the hell do you think would happen if men did the same thing to women wearing wigs to cover up from hairloss or chemo hairloss?

I remember talking to this girl (freshman or sophomore) when I was a junior in college 13 years ago. She was passing me notes asking me "YES" or "No".
and all was well until she took her hand and pulled my hair back away from my face and forehead (longer hair then, but a Norwood 2 hairline). She then made this "wincing" face and made an audible "eew".

What a f*****g kyunt. What if I had visibly surveyed her flat chest and then shook my head and said "no way!"?


LOL, this is funny. I bet she is fat as hell, since she does not mention she is not......