Hair Loss Natural Remedies


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When too much testosterone is present in the body, it sends the excess of it to the scalp to be storage. In the scalp, a unique enzyme (5AR) combines with the extra testosterone and converts it to super concentrated DHT.

This conversion is attacking the hair follicle. The tissue around the follicle is swelling, choking out the blood supply, which brings healing nutrients and anti-DHT enzymes. In a period of time, the follicle begins to whither and decay. The hair growing from the follicle gets thinner and weaker. Eventually, the hair stops growing completely.

If the problem comes from being out of balance the cure comes from restoring the balance. That is the true solution to hair loss. Also, anything that throws your body further out of balance is going to make the hair loss worse.

Hair loss natural remedies must include how to develop a health, fitness, and nutrition program suited for a unique body and way of life. After all, hair loss is the result of a body being out of balance and the natural remedies will return balance to the body.

Do you know any hair loss natural remedies?


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I recommend divine herbal hair oil eearly days but should feed the follicles, also the body is out of balance due to the foods and water they poison us with, flouride, arsenic, dd, chlorine, hormones in milk, everything they putting is messing with our hormones, pollution,radiation even woman are balding as time goes its disgrace I actually beleive these greedy scientist know exactly what's the cause, I found study where they fed rats 50 chemicals and made them bald then they rested treatments to make it regrow, hence profits.


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None next question. In theory prostate supplements might have some credibility but again its all guess work. If they did work its not going to be on the level or strength of proven treatments.


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I wish there was a cheaper way to get the hair oil here in the states.


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I was just reading some article on female hair loss and they say DHT plays a role, but to exercise and eat a healthy diet to keep your body healthy. That is flat out wrong I mean if they do not know what causes hair loss just say so but lying to people is not going to help. Diet and exercise are good to do obviously but its really a topic separate from male pattern baldness because you cant change male pattern baldness through those avenues.


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good diet/life style cant change male pattern baldness but certainly can affect the progression of male pattern baldness


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From the point of view of energy healing, hair loss occurs when the follicle gets congested of dirty energy. Clairvoyantly this is seen as light grey on the scalp area. Therefore, if the scalp with congested dirty energy is cleansed and energized, the blood supply to the scalp will improve, reducing or hair loss.


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From the point of view of energy healing, hair loss occurs when the follicle gets congested of dirty energy. Clairvoyantly this is seen as light grey on the scalp area. Therefore, if the scalp with congested dirty energy is cleansed and energized, the blood supply to the scalp will improve, reducing or hair loss.

Good luck


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Some of the herbal that you may find useful for hair loss natural remedies

Green tea inhibits the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase that converts testosterone into hair-unfriendly DHT. Then drinking green tea everyday is an effective treatment for male baldness.

Ayurvedic Antistress Tea, drinking this mixed beverage of Nardostachys jatamamsi and Bacopa monnieri 2 to 3 times a day relieves stress and prevents hair loss.

Ginko biloba intensifies blood circulation to the scalp and skin. Taking 130-150mg of dry Ginko extract every day can keep your hair follicles rejuvenated.

Pygeum africanum is used to treat prostate problems and male baldness. Recommended dosage is 60-500mg per day.

Also eating a diet rich in vitamin, minerals, and protein is the best hair loss natural remedy one can choose.


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The challenge of before/after pictures for a man with strong male pattern baldness history to prevent it through diet and exercise still stands. I have never seen it happen yet. When someone proves it through studies or some reliable means I am willing to change my mind.