Hair Loss: The Importance of Hair

Agustin Araujo

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It's important to look good overall, especially on having nice hair. If hair truly wasn't important, then no one would invest in hair transplants, and neither would it be a multi-billion dollar industry.

Here's a list that shows the importance of having nice hair:

+You can have a better social life
+You can do better at attracting the opposite sex
+People will treat you better
+People will have more respect towards you
+People will take you more seriously
+You can do better at interviews and getting employment

The list just goes on and on. I thought I'd just list some of the more important aspects. Looking good helps you advance in every aspect of life. The truth is, people make judgements of who you are and what your personality must be like by the way you look. If you look terrible, then people are going to think you're a terrible person. Now, that seems extremely shallow, but that's just the way people are and is a reality we all have to deal with.

Thanks for reading, I thought I'd just share what I've seen others who are dealing with extensive hair loss and/or other physical defects on how it impacts their life negatively. Would anyone else like to add on to what other impairments alopecia and/or what other cosmetic defects can cause?


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As long as it remains a men's problem, it will be ignored for as long as society needs to have someone less fortunate to piss on to make themselves feel of higher social standing. Nobody care's about men's health... especially if it's invisible. Combine baldness with the psychological effects in a man and you're bound to have society not give a **** about you.

Agustin Araujo

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As long as it remains a men's problem, it will be ignored for as long as society needs to have someone less fortunate to piss on to make themselves feel of higher social standing. Nobody care's about men's health... especially if it's invisible. Combine baldness with the psychological effects in a man and you're bound to have society not give a **** about you.

Hair loss is also a women's problem. Approximately 40% of hair loss sufferers are female. I think women who are suffering from hair loss are allowed to cover it up since it's not as common as men's hair loss and would be unacceptable by society for a woman to be bald. Since hair loss is so common in men, it's considered 'normal' and hence a reason on why we're told to just get over it and live with our hair loss. For both genders, alopecia is a medical condition.

There are many other medical conditions whether they're life threatening or not, that do not have any cures and no optimal treatment options, the issue isn't only with hair loss. Though, just because hair loss isn't life threatening, it's considered as just some cosmetic defect and not an actual medical condition, which it actually is as I previously mentioned.

Before I succumbed to any male pattern baldness, I was already suffering from low confidence and low self-esteem. When my male pattern baldness kicked in, it almost destroyed me, especially that I'm a hair dude. And besides that, the hair on the back and sides of my head also started to turn grey prematurely, so that got me even more distressed. It's just bother's me so much that I'm so young and I have to deal with having the hair of and old man.


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Hair loss is also a women's problem. Approximately 40% of hair loss sufferers are female. I think women who are suffering from hair loss are allowed to cover it up since it's not as common as men's hair loss and would be unacceptable by society for a woman to be bald. Since hair loss is so common in men, it's considered 'normal' and hence a reason on why we're told to just get over it and live with our hair loss. For both genders, alopecia is a medical condition.

There are many other medical conditions whether they're life threatening or not, that do not have any cures and no optimal treatment options, the issue isn't only with hair loss. Though, just because hair loss isn't life threatening, it's considered as just some cosmetic defect and not an actual medical condition, which it actually is as I previously mentioned.

Before I succumbed to any male pattern baldness, I was already suffering from low confidence and low self-esteem. When my male pattern baldness kicked in, it almost destroyed me, especially that I'm a hair dude. And besides that, the hair on the back and sides of my head also started to turn grey prematurely, so that got me even more distressed. It's just bother's me so much that I'm so young and I have to deal with having the hair of and old man.

Show me a full NW6 woman in the same numbers as men at any stage in their life and you'll have a point. Women thin out, but they don't go full bald like this:


If they did, we wouldnt be scrambling for a cure as men. Instead, the sympathy card would have been long played out decades ago and the solution would have been around since then.

You say alopecia is a medical condition? That's nice, but the majority of society doesn't give a shit and considers it a joke.


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my nw1 relatives think my hairloss at such a young age has to be because I'm unhealthy/on drugs/stressing or just a plain loser


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having hairs "so you can have a BETTER social life" is wrong, it's actually "so you can have A social life", i don't know you guys but if i had 0 hairs on head i would never talk to anyone <30 years old, i had a friend nw5-6 at 19-20 i felt shocked when i was told he was not 40, people treated him with respect just cus he looked a ****ig professor, dressed like a professor etc, no one ever considered him as a potential partner not even for a second (well he was fat aswell), when you are >nw3-4 you miss 15 years of your life and you are projected in a world of 15 yeard older people that don't belong to you, wtf how this is not a priority in the list of disease to cure after cancer i don't know


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having hairs "so you can have a BETTER social life" is wrong, it's actually "so you can have A social life", i don't know you guys but if i had 0 hairs on head i would never talk to anyone <30 years old, i had a friend nw5-6 at 19-20 i felt shocked when i was told he was not 40, people treated him with respect just cus he looked a ****ig professor, dressed like a professor etc, no one ever considered him as a potential partner not even for a second (well he was fat aswell), when you are >nw3-4 you miss 15 years of your life and you are projected in a world of 15 yeard older people that don't belong to you, wtf how this is not a priority in the list of disease to cure after cancer i don't know

Why is cancer always the first thing brought up to negate the importance of hair?
Why are people so fucking stupid to think that, baldness cannot be cured until cancer is? I can count the number of doctors working on a hair loss cure on ONE HAND yet the number of TEAMS working on a cancer cure is insane.


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What I find equally stupid is the notion that we should just feel lucky to be alive when kids in Africa are starving. Hmmmm... how bout those idiots stop popping out 10 kids each when they can't even feed 1


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What I find equally stupid is the notion that we should just feel lucky to be alive when kids in Africa are starving. Hmmmm... how bout those idiots stop popping out 10 kids each when they can't even feed 1

that seems to be a problem in even developed countries. Its one of my biggest peeves about america. And the more they so it the MORE we REWARD them with welfare. Where I live in CT a SINGLE UNEMPLOYED mother can earn $22+ an hour just on welfare. Wheres the incentive to work?
And yet the more responsible people who choose to NOT have kids pay MORE taxes. This is the most *** backwards country ever.

Sorry thats a peeve of mine.

Back on topic, the issue is there are not enough loud guys willing to "look like b****s" complaining about the situation. Im perfectly fine looking annoying but even as much as you guys complain on here if I started some kind of initiative, awareness, website etc etc blah blah more than HALF of you wouldnt not bother getting involved nor even admitting publicly hair loss is a big issue for men.

Unless you are all willing to put faces to your complaints men all deserve to deal with it.


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Why is cancer always the first thing brought up to negate the importance of hair?
Why are people so fucking stupid to think that, baldness cannot be cured until cancer is? I can count the number of doctors working on a hair loss cure on ONE HAND yet the number of TEAMS working on a cancer cure is insane.

Who the **** negate the importance of hairloss, did you ****ig read my posts? I have been accused of being negative every single time i wrote something about hairloss because for me is a ****gi mutilation, and certainly i didn't say we have to cure cancer before looking for an hairloss solution lol, i have said the priority of a hairloss cure must be just a little below random letal disease like cancer, if we have 100 researcher searching for a tumor cure we must have 10 finding something for hairloss, now the proportion is 10000000000000:1, we can actually count the legit reaserchers for hairloss cure in one hand like you said and some women oriented pharma who don't want to cure anything continuing to sell crap, at least we have shiseido who did some effort

Wolf Pack

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that seems to be a problem in even developed countries. Its one of my biggest peeves about america. And the more they so it the MORE we REWARD them with welfare. Where I live in CT a SINGLE UNEMPLOYED mother can earn $22+ an hour just on welfare. Wheres the incentive to work?
And yet the more responsible people who choose to NOT have kids pay MORE taxes. This is the most *** backwards country ever.

Sorry thats a peeve of mine.

Back on topic, the issue is there are not enough loud guys willing to "look like b****s" complaining about the situation. Im perfectly fine looking annoying but even as much as you guys complain on here if I started some kind of initiative, awareness, website etc etc blah blah more than HALF of you wouldnt not bother getting involved nor even admitting publicly hair loss is a big issue for men.

Unless you are all willing to put faces to your complaints men all deserve to deal with it.

I didn't even know you guys had welfare over there.

Very true on men hiding the issue. I know like at least 10 doctors on Propecia/Transplant, sussed it, yet it's all under cover. But that's because it's one of those things. I would say baldness and impotency are two fears most men are aware of and they prefer privacy if inflicted. These two generic issues are very distinctive from other health issues.

Awareness wouldn't help, medicine doesn't cure much, just controls, but slowly things are getting better generally.


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Wolf Pack, we probably have more on the gubmint dole than are actually working. The US is in a spiral and has been for awhile.


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that seems to be a problem in even developed countries. Its one of my biggest peeves about america. And the more they so it the MORE we REWARD them with welfare. Where I live in CT a SINGLE UNEMPLOYED mother can earn $22+ an hour just on welfare. Wheres the incentive to work?
And yet the more responsible people who choose to NOT have kids pay MORE taxes. This is the most *** backwards country ever.

My mum's friend dosen't work for exactly this reason. She rakes in more from welfare than if she had a job.
This isn't even the worst of it, there are many more people that cheat the system to a far greater degree. I know a family, the dad works interstate and dosen't live at home so they just got a "divorce" so his wife can claim single parent benefits. He has six kids so he made the grandma the guardian of one of them to claim more benefits. And to top it off, they are already rich

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Unless you are all willing to put faces to your complaints men all deserve to deal with it.

That's true but ultimately even if we put in the effort to campaign for this condition, there are enough nw1 douchebags like Bill Gates and Vin Diesel wannabes to convince society we are just pussies

Wolf Pack

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Wolf Pack, we probably have more on the gubmint dole than are actually working. The US is in a spiral and has been for awhile.

Shame. I think our unemployment rate is pretty high but we give a lot of welfare.

Good thing for you guys though is costs are less but then I guess wages are too.

I do fancy one day moving over there, since a kid I liked those wooden houses, nice weather in some states. Generally like the feel of the country after doing my research as an adult. The people seem more open and fast style living.


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Haha, if you do, be prepared to be attacked by women. They love a Brit accent.

I always wanted to go to a bar and pretend to have a british or ausie accent to land some chick then the next morning start talking normal. My luck Id run into some other british person and theyd start asking me questions I couldnt answer.

Wolf Pack

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Haha, if you do, be prepared to be attacked by women. They love a Brit accent.

I believe that. My friend was working over there for a while and isn't good looking, probably average max. Yet he goes one girl even says "I could hear you talk all day long." Lots of Brits hate the American accent, but I seriously love it, exudes confidence. Particularly if it has a slight southern twang or very whiny. My gf goes that's p**rn and hollywood influence :laugh:

I don't like the new york accent I think, on guys it sounds fine though.

Definitely want to spend a lot of my 30's over there, as a professional it shouldn't be too hard to at least live there a few years. Few things I want to do apart from the girls is hunting/shooting, quad biking and lots of partying.

I've noticed since the finasteride has made the comb over easier and healthier hair, attention is increasing too. I do get girls giving me the "signal" occasionally but I am feeling more vibes from them. Definitely look better in the mirror.

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I always wanted to go to a bar and pretend to have a british or ausie accent to land some chick then the next morning start talking normal. My luck Id run into some other british person and theyd start asking me questions I couldnt answer.

Key is not to try too hard with the accent and don't be all "queen's english." I was staying at the Ritz once in London. At the bar there was an American guy, probably in his 40s. Was really loud, above average looking with hair and dressed smartly. I couldn't quite figure out if he was pissing off the women he was hitting on or doing well. He certainly had them engaged.


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feels kinda like you existence isnt as significant

Really? For some ordinary hair? Are you sure it's not too much said?
Yes, i agree, empty shiny scalp may not look appealing, but, if we sit and think, why do we put so much importance in some hairs? Yes, we know, looks, etc, superficial society, but really i think hair is overrated. Or maybe it's just an effect of obsessing on something we have been denied.


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Really? For some ordinary hair? Are you sure it's not too much said?
Yes, i agree, empty shiny scalp may not look appealing, but, if we sit and think, why do we put so much importance in some hairs? Yes, we know, looks, etc, superficial society, but really i think hair is overrated. Or maybe it's just an effect of obsessing on something we have been denied.

well logically its not "we" as in you and I putting the importance but the women we "think" it will attract. I will say since losing most of mine my calber of flirt material has spiraled to unacceptable levels.
Makes staying in a garbage relationship seem the logical solution. At least here Im the "better looking" one now. I mean single or taken Im ending up sexless either way in my 30s.... I lead a very sad existence now.