Hair Loss (Treatment)



I've been to two dermatologist who refuse to give me blood tests.

Where can I find a lab that will do my bloodwork without doctors orders. Any top laboratories for this? I'm fustrated. I want tests!!!


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independent labs

Hi Vagirl2,

It must be so frustrating for you to be unable to receive proper care! Fear not, we will get things figured as best we can here. The first step truly is figuring out what is going on with your system. Was your hair loss sudden? Did you notice an increase in acne, oily skin? Have you had any recent stressors, such as surgery or significant illness? I would also try to garner an appointment with an endocrinologist, but don't underestimate the acumen of your regular physician. Mine ordered all my tests for me when my first dermatologist was unhelpful. In addition, if you live near a large medical center, try calling them and asking if they have any derms or endos that specialize in female hair loss--many university medical centers have someone on staff that is at least knowledgeable on the subject.

If all else fails, I found an independent lab where you can get tests done:

I would start by checking your Total Testosterone and DHEA-S, TSH levels, and your ferritin. This should be enough to see what next steps are without costing you an arm and a leg (these tests aren't cheap!). Once you have this information, perhaps you can persuade these recalcitrant practicitioners to be more responsive.

