Hair loss treatments after hair transplant


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Using finasteride or minoxidil is common advice from hair loss surgeons in order to stabilize and slow further hair loss and even get some regrowth. But what if advanced stages of balding, as NW6 or NW7 level, are already reached. Is in that case necessary to use hair loss medications since most of the hair susceptible to balding is lost anyway.

For example look at Jotronic case He've been on finasteride (proscar) since 2012, so it is 12 years for now. He was NW6 (or 6.5) when he started his first hair transplant procedure, so we can assume he've lost all hair genetically predisposed. In one topic Jotronic mentioned something about his hair loss would have progressed down both lateral sides and the spot in the crown would have become larger and so he would have become a strong NW7.

Is it really necessary for even a NW6 to use DHT inhibitors. When you reach NW6 stage, can you expect more thinning in borderline areas or even thinning of donor zone ?


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My father has had some thinning in his donor area recently (while he stabilized at NW5 at 25, just like me, well I hope I won't go further)

It has nothing to do with male pattern baldness. It's from the countless medications he's taking for his heart.

I'd say that if you're able to take finasteride, just take it. I know I can't take it because I'm gyno prone. But when when all the scabs of my FUE are gone, I know I'll resume my minoxidil use.

It's always better to use treatments than not use them when it comes to male pattern baldness, even if you think you're safe.

Been using the topical finasteride (I know its still snake oil to me to) with no sides as of yet. Took 8 months for my sides on oral finasteride tho. Maybe something you can look into. The one I have is a topical water based finasteride/minoxidil spray. Doesnt leave that nasty oily residue. Says to use it twice a day but I do once with the moring using my minoxidil foam instead.
Actually some days I just use my FOAM twice and do the finasteride every other... im still paranoid.
Some people online say they beleive it works (whether by area use or still semi systematic) so I figured what the hell.