Hair loss will no longer control my life


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I am ready to concede to my baldness. I have been on propecia for 16 months and the top of my head is the thinnest it has been. I have been on rogaine for 3 months and am tired of worrying about applications etc. I feel that it is best to shave it off and work on being confident in who I am and not what my hair looks like. In fact, I think people would respect me more if I shaved it rather than having a thick horseshoe in back with sparse hair with scalp showing through on top. The thinning look is not a good look to have at 23. My hair gets very flat throughout the day and my hairloss becomes very noticeable.

Although I cannot say for sure if propecia caused me to gain weight, I do have to say that I gained about 30lbs in 16 months since beginning. My diet has been typical of a college student but it was that way long before I began propecia. Since being fat AND thinning is not a good look for anyone, I am going to see if I can get back to a more normal weight.

I figure that I might as well become used to being bald now since it is inevitable for me. It has become somewhat of a cliche on here, but I plan on being more active, getting a tan (if i can), make my body look better and buy some clothes that I feel make me look good. There are a lot of ways to make yourself look good and I will do those that do not require hair. Concentrating so much on my hair has in many ways caused me to overlook my body, my style, and my attitude. It is time to change all of that.

Life is not be wasted and I feel like I waste alot of time thinking about my hair and wondering if people are staring at it. I have been interested in buying a mountain bike and going out riding on the weekends but have not done so because I worry how my hair will look all sweaty after a ride. I live in southern california and have not been to the beach because I worry what my hair might look like after swimming. I basically am not enjoying myself based upon hair. Since there will probably never be a time where I have enough hair to feel comfortable with it, I am going to make the choice to enjoy my 20's hair or no hair.

I can either be a balding,pale , depressed, fat ***, who is afraid to go out, eating like crap, and not excercising...OR...I can have a shaved head, go out and get some sun, excercise, eat right, dress well, look good and FEEL Good , and be confident that who I am is good enough despite not having hair...for some reason I feel that option 2 will have a better result for me in the end....

who's with me???

Hawaii male

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Whatever makes you happy. Go out and have fun. Who gives a sh*t if people look at you and what not. You don't know them.


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sounds like fun. if you don't think you can regrow it, stop. there are other things besides propecia and rogaine which are stronger. but if you really think it can't work, I think it would be nice to just shave it off and stop thinking about it.


Why no try both??

If finasteride is causing side effects you might reduce the dosage AND enjoy your life. I am sure this would be the best solution for all of us "hair losers".


Great post, sundevilb3. You wrote exactly how I feel. My hair is getting worser all the time and I'm sure everyone has already noticed that I'm balding. I've been thinking about shaving it to 0 in a matter of weeks. I just compared my pre-finasteride pics (been on finasteride for about 2 months) with current pics, and I gotta say my face has bloated a bit. I look much skinnier and healthier in the pre-finasteride pics. I don't think I'll ever be able to regrow enough hair to style it properly, so I guess I just have to shave and concentrate on other things in life. The things that I actually have control over, like getting fit, finishing school, getting a job etc. So I'm definitely with you, sundevilb3.


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you'll have a lot more time on your hands if you are not thinking about your hair or applying topicals. My hair is not giving me such an easy decision.

my face is the same shape, but my skin quality is not that good. I wish I had smooth, blemish free, well complexioned skin like many guys I see. instead I have a tanned completion that I don't think looks good, and squint lines, and big pours. if i could train myself to sleep on my back all night that might help. And a regular sleep cycle might help too.


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Hey I have the same problem as you ChemistryStudent, and I hope this doesn't sound like an ad, but I used greencream and its really helped smoothen my skin out a lot as I was getting pimples that stayed for ages since starting Propecia. I am using level 6 and its really helping in many ways. i think a few people on these boards use it, its basically a retinol cream.


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I use it to hellohello, to help prevent acne/oilyness. It works very well, i think. Also, it seems to last quite a while, so the expense is offset somewhat.


your choice but HM will be out soon so you can always reconsider.


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who are you talking to, JayMan? Are you pulling a CCS and not reading the whole thread? I normally write, "my advice to the author is...". The way you did it it looked like you were talking to Felk.

Hellohello, does greencream reduce pour size? My biggest concern is my nose. You said it helps with acne. I don't have any acne at all. I just have a red tint to my face that almost gives me sun burnt or drinkers face look, instead of looking my age.


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Yes it does reduce pore size, but you'll have to use the higher strenth level 9 to get results quickly otherwise it can take months at level 6 to reduce them significantly.
have a look at and check the forums on there its pretty useful.


collegechemistrystudent said:
who are you talking to, JayMan? Are you pulling a CCS and not reading the whole thread? I normally write, "my advice to the author is...". The way you did it it looked like you were talking to Felk.

Hellohello, does greencream reduce pour size? My biggest concern is my nose. You said it helps with acne. I don't have any acne at all. I just have a red tint to my face that almost gives me sun burnt or drinkers face look, instead of looking my age.

talking to the OP.

felk was talking about acne.