Hair lost/Hair gained... a time frame connection?


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I was pondering hair loss treatment earlier (who isn't around here... :D ) and I was wondering...

Is there any sort of general rule as far as to how much improvement one can expect based on how long you've been having noticeable loss? For example, it seems like that last 9-10 months are what hurt me the most, diffuse thinning hit fast and hard during that time. Last summer my hair wasn't too bad and in 2002 / 2001 it was well beyond acceptable to me.

I most certainly don't have a great head of hair now but given that it's a fairly recent change does this make it more likely to be satisfactorily reversible situation compared to say if I had lost it over 5 years ago?... or is it just a matter of what's gone is gone? :?


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Thanks for the reply.

I would guess my hair has been thinning for longer than was cosmetically noticeable to me but I remember being able to wear my hair short and spiky or gelled and slicked back in early 2002 without it looking thin. So the bulk of my loss must have been in the last 2 1/2 years or less (with most in the last few months like I mentioned).

I plan on using the "big 3" for treatment. I've been using Nizoral shampoo since march or April and started Min this month. I'll add the finasteride in the next couple of weeks.


I guess it depends on what stage you catch the hairloss. If the hairs have fallen and no more are growing then it will be almost impossible to grow more hair, however if you catch can the hair still in the growth stage but it's still being attacked by DHT then something finasteride can reverse that and turn it into a more stronger hair. So these guys who are slick on top are more or less wasting their time. You need to catch it real early.

When I first noticed my hairloss I watched a program on TV about a guy in the US that was taking finasteride. If only that was available in the UK then I think I would have kept all my hair.


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Well, thankfully, I'm not slick on top. Just suddenly find my self very thin. Diffuse thinning sucks! My bald spot is the worst but even it is not what I would think of as "slick bald". I know finasteride is more or less a maintenance drug (with decent thickening chances) but isn't the whole point of Minoxidil to restart/regrow hair - which is what makes it a worthy part of the big 3?


Yup, minoxidil is a growth stimulant. I can't believe my last post. It does not even make sense what I typed. I must be tired...... :(


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traxdata said:
Yup, minoxidil is a growth stimulant. I can't believe my last post. It does not even make sense what I typed. I must be tired...... :(

That's okay... I live in the world called Tired. :cry:


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Yes, actually.

The faster you get on treatments, the better your recovery will generally be. If you've been balding for less than 5 years, you've got a good shot at some recovery because the root hairs are still in a position to be restimulated.


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Axon said:
Yes, actually.

The faster you get on treatments, the better your recovery will generally be. If you've been balding for less than 5 years, you've got a good shot at some recovery because the root hairs are still in a position to be restimulated.

"Cool beans" as an annoying friend used to say...

The whole thing that started this thought was because I'd found some photos of me from back in September 2001. The only annoyance I had then was a small, slightly thinning area in the back in the typical spot and no signs of diffuse thinning (at least not that were cosmetically noticeable to me).