Hair Pieces and Marriage


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Guys, divorces can be super ugly. Sometimes people accuse their spouse of child molestation just so they can get 100% custody to punish their spouse, since they know their spouse loves the kids and would be misurable without them.

That said, you need to go into marriage with honesty, or at least know for sure people will not find out. It is not right that you should have to reveal stuff, but I'm just warning you that before you marry, you want to know your partner is OK with who you are. If you try to trick them, or the two of you are having a power fight, it will only get 100x worse in marriage. Hair pieces are great for dating and having sex, but unless you are 110% sure she won't find out later, I suggest you not marry a woman who does not know you have it. If she is upset at you before marriage, at least you can go your separate ways easily.

GNUist (formerly FC)

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mulder said:
I think everyone agrees with that one CCS...

I dont. This is rediculous. If a guy goes through all the hassle and $$$$ to have a piece, then he's earned the right to tell chycks whatever he wants about it.

What is the point of getting the stupid thing to hide your baldness, and then go and tell the hot chyck you pulled with it it was fake and get your *** dumped? :dunno:


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There is nothing wrong or unethical about not telling her. If you really think you can keep it a secret for life, or at least until you are 60 when hair is the least of both your looks issues, go for it. I'm just warning you though that people can be mean, and divorces can be very very ugly. Partners often lie the meanest lies to get a bigger portion of the wealth or custody of the kids. If you are going to marry a woman and she does not know, you better be sure you can keep it secret. She might not care if you do tell her, but she might go for your throat. As for me, I'd go a step higher than I can normally get, but half a step lower than I'm capable of getting with the piece, that way when I tell her, she will still be happy I look better than most guys she could get. Have fun, and don't tell any of the women you date. But if it is headed towards marriage, you better do some serious thinking about how sure you are you can keep it secret, and if you have your doubts, consider telling her. If she gets angry, at least she does not have you in a financially binding contract.


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And the only reason to marry a woman is if you are going to have kids and one of you will be a stay at home parent. If you want to be a sugar daddy, you lose all your power once you marry, because then your money is her money. If she wants your money, she wants marriage so then she has all the power (sex). If someone has to be legally tied to you to stay with you, the attraction is not there. If they want marriage within a year of meeting you, then they want marriage, not you. I know many happy couples who are just boyfriend and girlfriend, and the girl is not dumping the guy for not marrying her.

GNUist (formerly FC)

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CCS said:
If you want to be a sugar daddy, you lose all your power once you marry, because then your money is her money. If she wants your money, she wants marriage so then she has all the power (sex).

This is actually an amazing point - it shows how sexist against men the stupid marriage laws are. Marriage is basically a contract exchanging sex and money for life between a man and a woman. But the law is that when they divorce, the man is cut off totally from his benefit - the sex - whereas the woman gets to leave with her benefit package - the money - continuing to flow.

This is a main reason I will not get married, except maybe in some other countries where they don't have all this legal bullshit that could ruin you if things don't go well.


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CCS said:
And the only reason to marry a woman is if you are going to have kids and one of you will be a stay at home parent. If you want to be a sugar daddy, you lose all your power once you marry, because then your money is her money. If she wants your money, she wants marriage so then she has all the power (sex). If someone has to be legally tied to you to stay with you, the attraction is not there. If they want marriage within a year of meeting you, then they want marriage, not you. I know many happy couples who are just boyfriend and girlfriend, and the girl is not dumping the guy for not marrying her.

What a joke.... :shakehead:

Firstly it would be impossible to hide a wig from your own wife.

And secondly reading this is it any suprise that CCS has never had a relationship, since he views women like prostitutes.

Freedom coder said:
This is actually an amazing point - it shows how sexist against men the stupid marriage laws are. Marriage is basically a contract exchanging sex and money for life between a man and a woman. But the law is that when they divorce, the man is cut off totally from his benefit - the sex - whereas the woman gets to leave with her benefit package - the money - continuing to flow.

This is a main reason I will not get married, except maybe in some other countries where they don't have all this legal bullshit that could ruin you if things don't go well.

Yeah men should be able to kick their wives out onto the streets when a marriage breaks down, let them go and wh*** themselves to the nearest guy with a few bucks in his pocket or starve to death.
Lucky your parents marriage did'nt break down eh?

GNUist (formerly FC)

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s.a.f said:
Yeah men should be able to kick their wives out onto the streets when a marriage breaks down, let them go and wh*** themselves to the nearest guy with a few bucks in his pocket or starve to death.
Lucky your parents marriage did'nt break down eh?

They should be able to do whatever the hell they want. A pre-nup only protects money you bring INTO the marriage. So even if i find a willing girl, I can't sign some contract that will keep my money intact in the event of a divorce.

The politically correct idiots who made these laws should not be dictating the terms of MY marriage (or anyone else's). If you think it's all fine and good to hook up with soem greedy girl only to have her leave you penniless and walk away with half your stuff that's your perogative. But there's no need to impose this bullshit on every1 else.


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Freedom Coder said:
The politically correct idiots who made these laws should not be dictating the terms of MY marriage (or anyone else's). If you think it's all fine and good to hook up with soem greedy girl only to have her leave you penniless and walk away with half your stuff that's your perogative. But there's no need to impose this bullshit on every1 else.

What percentage of women going into marriage are purely for financial reasons?
The majority of divorces are just 2 people from ordinary backgrounds with an ordinary amount of money who's marriage has broken down for ordinary reasons. In that situation its only fair that everything is split equally.


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Cassin said:
CCS shouldn't you have at least one serious relationship in your life before you give out such advice?

No. If I got the knowledge, I should share it, not keep it away from people who might be about to make some mistakes in life. Worse case they see another point of view. If they take any and every advice from anyone, then you can't blame me, since they obviously have a bigger problem.


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Freedom Coder said:
CCS said:
If you want to be a sugar daddy, you lose all your power once you marry, because then your money is her money. If she wants your money, she wants marriage so then she has all the power (sex).

This is actually an amazing point - it shows how sexist against men the stupid marriage laws are. Marriage is basically a contract exchanging sex and money for life between a man and a woman. But the law is that when they divorce, the man is cut off totally from his benefit - the sex - whereas the woman gets to leave with her benefit package - the money - continuing to flow.

This is a main reason I will not get married, except maybe in some other countries where they don't have all this legal bullshit that could ruin you if things don't go well.

Wrong. It is a lookist law that hurts people with money and helps people with good looks. Haven't you heard about Jessica Simpson and her Ex who went after her millions. Goes both ways. If you got money, it is your partner who wants marriage. If you want to trade money for sex, don't get married. Just take them out to nice places and sleep with them each night. Marriage is only for people who plan to have kids with one partner staying home to raise them. If there are no kids, and both of you work, there is little reason to get married. You can sign other contracts for hospital visitation rights or put them in your will.


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s.a.f said:
And secondly reading this is it any suprise that CCS has never had a relationship, since he views women like prostitutes.
Men and women are BOTH "prostitutes". Everyone trades something for sex. But we feel loved when we only have to give sex to get sex. There are male prostitutes too, SAF. I'm not singling out women.

Freedom coder said:
Marriage is basically a contract exchanging sex and money for life between a man and a woman. But the law is that when they divorce, the man is cut off totally from his benefit - the sex - whereas the woman gets to leave with her benefit package - the money - continuing to flow.

Yeah men should be able to kick their wives out onto the streets when a marriage breaks down, let them go and wh*** themselves to the nearest guy with a few bucks in his pocket or starve to death.
Lucky your parents marriage did'nt break down eh?

If a woman gives up her job long enough, she won't be able to live a decent life after divorce. If she gave a man her youthful days, he should take care of her after marriage. If she raised his biological kids, he should take care of her. but if she marries him for 2 years and dumps him, he should not have to give her alimoney, beyond 3-6 months of basic living expenses. Different states have different laws on how long and how much. Just warning you to watch out. Just because I was not married does not mean I don't have many friends who went through this. It is not something the person in line next to in the check out line will tell you. If you have a good marriage, good for you. I'm warning all the romantic 25 year olds who think they want to marry that hottie over there: marriage gives her all the power. Once you marry her, your money is her's and you no longer have anything to barter with for sex. Be warned.

GNUist (formerly FC)

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s.a.f said:
[quote="Freedom Coder":2flvkbdl]The politically correct idiots who made these laws should not be dictating the terms of MY marriage (or anyone else's). If you think it's all fine and good to hook up with soem greedy girl only to have her leave you penniless and walk away with half your stuff that's your perogative. But there's no need to impose this bullshit on every1 else.

What percentage of women going into marriage are purely for financial reasons?
The majority of divorces are just 2 people from ordinary backgrounds with an ordinary amount of money who's marriage has broken down for ordinary reasons. In that situation its only fair that everything is split equally.[/quote:2flvkbdl]

It doesn't matter if the % of women going into marriage purely for finanical reasons is 0.00000001%... Unfortunately for me, the only way I'll be able to marry a girl I find attractive, is if she's doing just that. So this has major implications for me.


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Even if you get a pre-nup, courts are not required to enforce it if they think it is unconsciable. Some might think non-equal slitting is unconsciable. You got to research which pre-nup terms are typically enforced and which are not. Might need to video tape the signing, or at least notorize it, to prove she was not forged or coerced. When $100,000+ is at stake, the notory signature might be questioned for possible bribery reasons.

As for SAF:

Normal reasons: people always say it is for normal reasons. Fact is most people lie about why they break up, just like they lie and say their Ex is at fault for everything.

Normal people: you mean men and women who go in withe same money and same income? If so, I agree with you about the equal split. But I doubt that is really what they are. Usually one partner makes twice as much or more than the other, and has $20,000 more than the other saved up. One of my friends married, went into the army, saved all his checks, totally $80,000, while his wife, who did not have kids, stayed in the US and worked. At 2 years, she divorced him and got half of the $80,000. Fair? I know you will say I'm just giving rare examples, but that is the story of every married person I know who has talked about their marriage.

Freedom Coder, even if you get a super prenup, other problems might happen. The most important thing is to spend your money on your appearance and health and fun for you. Don't offer it as bate to marry someone who looks a lot better than you. All you get is a power war that ends in missery. You really got to hang out with a girl a while to see if she has stuff in common with you, and have sex with her at least a year to see if she is physically attracted to you, and do all this without dumping money on her. Show her you got funds to raise a family, and pay for outings here and there, but you got to make her wait for marriage to see if she gives up and leaves. If she really wants you, she won't leave. You see, some pretty women try to make average guys think it is the GUY who wants marriage, and they really make him wait for sex. They get all the power, and the guy falls right for the trap, because he is so excited about getting the pretty girl. If you are constantly waiting and hoping for the next sex session, and she is the one who picks the time and makes you work for it, then don't marry her.

My advice: improve yourself, enjoy your money, then find a woman who is pretty close to your own league, who works and has genuinely common interests, and go for her. Don't try to marry a super hot woman. Donald Trump did, and maybe you can too, but you really got to be careful. Most likely they won't want sex as often as you will and it will make enemies of you two.


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CCS said:
Men and women are BOTH "prostitutes". Everyone trades something for sex.
I'm warning all the romantic 25 year olds who think they want to marry that hottie over there: marriage gives her all the power. Once you marry her, your money is her's and you no longer have anything to barter with for sex. Be warned.

Freedom coder said:
Marriage is basically a contract exchanging sex and money for life between a man and a woman. But the law is that when they divorce, the man is cut off totally from his benefit - the sex - whereas the woman gets to leave with her benefit package - the money - continuing to flow.

I guess love does'nt exist in womens minds.


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CCS = Havelock Ellis.

Tell a girl about the piece, One small secret in the beginning becomes one large one in the end.


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s.a.f said:
CCS said:
Men and women are BOTH "prostitutes". Everyone trades something for sex.
I'm warning all the romantic 25 year olds who think they want to marry that hottie over there: marriage gives her all the power. Once you marry her, your money is her's and you no longer have anything to barter with for sex. Be warned.

[quote="Freedom coder":28n2723g]Marriage is basically a contract exchanging sex and money for life between a man and a woman. But the law is that when they divorce, the man is cut off totally from his benefit - the sex - whereas the woman gets to leave with her benefit package - the money - continuing to flow.

I guess love does'nt exist in womens minds.

SAF, you keep accusing me of singling out women and it is getting on my nerves. You need to rephrase that to say, "I guess love doesn't exist in anyone's minds." My response would be, "Yes it does. People do think they love some people, but often are rejected by those people, so they make due with someone else, or they deliborately rip someone off. Not everyone does this. Some people can get who they want, some people choose to just stay single, some people are afraid to play the power game, some people just end up getting ripped off. Just varies. If you and your partner have realistic standards and are friends, I'm happy for you. I'm just warning people not to go into a marriage planning on winning a power struggle, or thinking you must sign a contract that puts your neck on the line just so you can prove to your partner than you love them when they have nothing to lose.


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Often on first dates, the richer person leads the poorer person to think they will spend money on them, and the prettier person leads the less pretty person to think they will give them sex often. It is all in the name of putting your best foot forwards. Both partners get really happy about this and are attracted. But this does not mean the money seaker has the same emotional types of feelings as the sex seaker. As the relationship progresses, fights can start over each other's roles. Often partners don't want to come out and say what is really bothering them, and nit pick other stuff. If they make it to marriage, that is when they assume everything is supposed to fall into place, and it does not. Then the fights really begin.

That is why you got to be honest about what you want, be realistic about what you pursue, work for what you want in life, and don't give stuff away hoping it will attract someone when you don't want to give that stuff away. Don't lead people on hoping you can get something from them, and don't give stuff for free hoping they will be nice and give you something for free. Just hold firm to how you think it should be and see who goes for that, and see if you need to improve yourself or adjust your standards. Marriage does not fix or cement your "fixed" problems. Marriage is where people finally let it all hang out because they think they have you. So make 110% sure your relationship is good, that it is all they want, and that there is a financial need for marriage, before you get married.

Yeah, and if you tell a woman about your piece, she has that info over you. So think about it.


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this is a serious subject.

for some, its not that big a deal.

for others, it is a big deal.

Since a piece radically changes/alters/affects your appearance...

its gonna be a wallop if she does find out you wear one.

I think im the most severe hairloss case, considering my entire head is pretty much bald, except for sides.

this question really comes into play when someone starts wearing one and going out on dates with girls and finds out he's hitting it off with some really nice girls.

Then, furthermore; turns out to spend not just weeks, but months and years with one particular girl. They build a relationship, get to know each other - and suddenly - one or the other pops the question.

Of course, spending a few years with a person - it becomes a really serious issue - because all those years - you decided never to tell her - and suddenly - if you were to tell her - she could say the whole relationship was based on a lie - since you never told her about it and the whole time - she believed you had a full head of hair. Then she accuses you of being a liar.

what happens then? two, three, four years go down the drain? Just like that? I don't know what can make a person's self worth go any lower than that. Having all those years wasted all because of a head of hair.

to think, our entire self worth and entire value as a human being comes down to a head of hair.

pretty serious, actually.

So, what then? Some guys don't think its that big a deal - because they have partial pieces - and it doesn't cover their entire head -

other guys, its more of a big deal - since its a much bigger piece - and covers the entire head.

And lastly,

I don't think you can keep it a secret from your wife. No way.
You'd have to make sure you're wearing a piece 24/7 and making sure she doesn't suspect at all.

That's impossible.

And then when she does find out, she'll declare the entire relationship based on a lie and say all her years spend with you was one big lie and all a waste of time.

That's a pretty devestating blow to a guy's self worth and self value - all those years of his invested in getting to know her, taking her out to dinners, being there for her when she was feeling down, sick or enduring a sad period of her life, making her dinners at home, giving her the best nights of make out sessions, poetry written for her, friendship, gifts, looking good for her, etc etc etc...

all for nothing.

Another way of looking at it is...

Imagine you met a girl, she was incredibly beautiful, you start to date her, see her on a regular basis. Weeks become months, months become years. You grow quite invested in her, emotionally, financially...spending weeks, months of your time with her - and not other girls - you get married to her - and one day - you find out her hair isn't really her hair - but a piece and that she's really actually very bald and cannot grow hair for some medical reason.

Would you dump her on the spot? Knowing that she wears a piece, her hair isn't real and she is actually a very bald woman. Knowing her physical appearance at home, behind closed doors, when nobody is looking, when not in actually very different than what she really looks like.