Hair Receded A Lot In Just 1.5 Months


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In the first set of images I actually see an improvement, but that is probably because the hairs look thicker due to 2nd photo being less blurred.

In the second set it is difficult to gauge a change, either way i wouldn't say your "hair has receeded a lot" as it looks relatively the same.


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I think your hair line got thinner, according to the first set of pics.
You are probably sensitive to androgens in general. AA or die.
Or you could just kept on duta and see what happens. Maybe it'll thin before it gets better, or it'll just thin a bit and stay like that for years.
Posts like this one are the ONLY reason I am not on finasteride/duta right now.


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What about RU? Do you think this could be better as it is a different kind of treatment? I can also pluck hair after hair off of my nape 50-70 hairs in a couple minutes time all from one back side of the lower nape. I feel as those I am having a bad reaction to something. Hoping it’s the oral min. Praying to god it the oral min haha
I dont know much about RU. I am an all in person, for me I dont trust topicals that much. I am on minoxidil now to feel like I am doing something to fight back. If you are sensitive to androgens in general, AA is the only way unfortunately.

Ironically, I shed the most from the back. I can literally pull ~140 hairs from the back alone. Meanwhile I shed little from the top, where I have thinner hair. In fact, I never remember a day I didnt shed alot haha. Maybe you have retrograde alopecia coming along as well?