Hair Regrowth Treatment Safety Profiles in here: nizoral, minoxidil


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Hi, this is the original RecedingBoy, I had lost my p/w information so i have created this account.

I did a quick search on the topic of this thread, but did not find something quite like it, so i wanted to start a discussion on the above mentioned.

Like many of you, my primary, first and continuing concern in this battle to restore or preserve our hair was to first STOP or lessen further fallout, and then concentrate on regrowth.

The formula was simple, and reiterated so many times on this website.

Finasteride or other DHT blockers/fighters to stop or lessen the fallout, and regrowth remedies such as Minoxidil regrow.

Some felt like taking the "natural" approach was better (Supplements, herbs such as Saw Palmetto HO Shu wu or whatever, green tea, various oils) , some have ventured into cutting edge, revolutionary relatively unknown territories such as RU-8841 or whatever, Dutasteride, etc. etc. etc....


If you're young, like I am, and was (I'm 27 now, old by many standards, I know I thought 27 years olds were old asses when I was first losing my hair, around 20), you probably don't give a SH*T about the side effects. D*ck a little limp? so what, at least you'll get to use it. A dude with a cul de sac around his head may have wood like no tommorow but won't get to use it, on any decent looking girls at least.


You may not have a full head of hair tommorow if you are using some fckd up sh*t that nobobody has studied. You may have cancer and die, or something else. I'm amazed at the people i have seen on websites using some unknown stuff. I remember a few years ago, I was asking people to try dutasteride, because, quite frankly, I didn't give a sh*t about their lives. If they were a guinea pig, good enough, i just want my hair at any cost. That is not a good mentality. I think I was overcome with my hairloss situation. I still am, but am older, and wiser.

I DON'T WANT YOUNG PEOPLE OR ANYONE TO F*CK up ther LIVES over Hairloss. I don't have a solution, and yeah, you may very well look like a cue ball in a couple of years if you don't do anything.

* :freaked2: :freaked2: :freaked2: *** GETTING TO THE POINT*** :hairy: :hairy: :hairy:

BUT, lets discuss this sh*t and try to figure out what is safe and WHATS NOT.

The motivation behind this post is from the information I have found on:


#2 Regrowth Treatment


FDA cannot require companies to do safety testing of their cosmetic products before marketing.

— FDA Office of Cosmetics and Colors (FDA 1995)

Most consumers would be surprised to learn that the government does not require health studies or pre-market testing for cosmetics and other personal care products before they are sold. According to the government agency that regulates cosmetics, the FDA's Office of Cosmetics and Colors, "...a cosmetic manufacturer may use almost any raw material as a cosmetic ingredient and market the product without an approval from FDA" (FDA 1999).

The toxicity of product ingredients is scrutinized almost exclusively by a self-policing industry safety committee, the Cosmetic Ingredient Review (CIR) panel. Because testing is voluntary and controlled by the manufacturers, many ingredients in cosmetics products are not safety tested at all. Environmental Working Group's analysis of industry and government sources shows that:

Eighty-nine (89) percent of 10,500 ingredients used in personal care products have not been evaluated for safety by the CIR, the FDA, nor any other publicly accountable institution (FDA 2000, CIR 2003).

So what are these cosmetics?

examples include:

Shampoos including Nizoral

I do not know a lot about the EWG group, but if what they say is true, that is a scary reality. By the way, this report does not focus on hair loss issues directly, it also includes reports on shaving creams, face lotions, hair dyes, deodorants, any other cosmetic.

NIZORAL WAS RATED A 9.1 out of 10, with 10 being a "highest health concern"

MORE ABOUT NIZORAL HERE: and this is the record if USED AS DIRECTED, many of us use Nizoral MUCH MORE. I.e., 3 times a week for years...

Minoxidil tested fairly positively, however, the PPG in minoxidil was a drawback. I know some people make PPG free minoxidils, I think Dr. Lee does...

Anyways, read the articles, and then lets discuss this.

btw, my status:

I'm 27, been using treatments ever since I've been on this website, since I was about 21 i would say.


1)Minoxidl every 2 days, 5% at night
2) Nizoral every 3 days
3)Biotin caps every 2-3 days
4)Lots of protein intake
5)multivitamin 1x week

I dropped finfasteride about 1 year ago, I didn't think I was benefitting. I will be starting it again, my hair loss has worsened. I am about a norwood 3 right now.

If these reports have already been quoted, sorry for the repost. I didn't find it though.

I know several people who have/or are dying from cancer. its a B*TCH. and i think people in this country get it more than others because we have so many damn unatural thingse these days. Even hormoones in chickens, milk, etc. WTF is natural these days? I'm not saying lets get off the drugs/treatments but i am saying lets INVESTIGATE AND PLAY IT SAFE.

thanks for taking the time, now read those links. believe me its important.




Established Member
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u should repost this with just the nizoral link,

that is quite interesting, but some might find your post to long to read, but the info on Nizoral is very interesting considering most on here use it


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Well worth the read. I want to know the possible risks....ignorance ain't bliss in my opinion.


Experienced Member
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Goodness gracious. If you're a paranoid hypochondriac DO NOT visit that site. On the other hand, you could easily become one if you go there.

Thanks for the link nonetheless, Receding_Boy.


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Temples said:
Goodness gracious. If you're a paranoid hypochondriac DO NOT visit that site. On the other hand, you could easily become one if you go there.

Thanks for the link nonetheless, Receding_Boy.

too late................... :freaked2: :freaked2: :freaked2: :freaked2: :freaked2: :freaked2: :freaked2: :freaked2: :freaked2: :freaked2: :freaked2: :freaked2: :freaked2: :freaked2: :freaked2: :freaked2: :freaked2: :freaked2: :freaked2: :freaked2: :freaked2: :freaked2: :freaked2: :freaked2: :freaked2: :freaked2: :freaked2: :freaked2:


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okay, im' back after a couple days.

anyways, so i gather we should not use nizoral more than 3 x a week, maybe as little as possible?

as it turns out, i found that link when doing a search on NuHair shampoo, that i found at my local CVS for about $5. i'm glad to see, it is safe. I was looking for a 'safe' shampoo because i shampoo everyday.

i have to shampoo everyday due to the Dermmatch.


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the two dermatologists in my life i have went to about scalp inflamation said not to use nizoral 2% more than 2 times each week. they said to use it then 3 days of tgel anti flake then nizoral again. just letting you know what the docs told me. if i remember right they said it cancelled out the effect it would have on the scalp if used 3 or more times each week. thinking of the size of the small bottle they give this seems right. just my opinion through what the docs told me.
good luck all


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That's all Fine and Dandy, but...

look, i respect that you care about your (and our) health.

but have you ever smoked a joint? smoking a joint is infinitely (*infinitely*) worse than smoking a cigarette. i used to smoke every day, and let me tell you, even when i was a total pothead, it irked me to hear smokers talk about how it doesn't f*** you up.

well, bob marley died at 35, and fine, he smoked a ton, but don't think that smoking once a twice a week is any different than smoking cigarettes every day. the cells in your lungs are "turned on" to repair themselves by creating new cells. eventually, your cells are turned on all the time, that they never turn off, which is cancer -- cells that multiply when they shouldn't be.

my point is, most of us have done far, far worse than the unknown effects of minoxidil. (low blood pressure -- "the silent killer", and who knows what else), and finasteride. (all sorts of sh*t).

we are willing to take these chances, because for some of us, life w/o hair may as well be life without a dick. i don't know about you, but i have a huge, hooked nose. i also have great, thick hair. If I lose my hair, not only do I lose my best feature, but my nose seems even bigger. I don't want a nose job. I can't rationalize why, so don't ask. I do know that I used to work with all women, and while some love bald, hair is a big deal to women. bigger than than tits are to us, no pun intended. it's almost like having a big bells. sure, most women expect a belly, but they would still kill for great abs on their guy.

Remember the Seinfeld episode? What Elaine says? And then George says, "I knew it!"

Bring on the pain. I'll sell my soul to the devil for some hair.


Re: That's all Fine and Dandy, but...

harey said:
look, i respect that you care about your (and our) health.

but have you ever smoked a joint? smoking a joint is infinitely (*infinitely*) worse than smoking a cigarette. i used to smoke every day, and let me tell you, even when i was a total pothead, it irked me to hear smokers talk about how it doesn't f*** you up.

well, bob marley died at 35, and fine, he smoked a ton, but don't think that smoking once a twice a week is any different than smoking cigarettes every day. the cells in your lungs are "turned on" to repair themselves by creating new cells. eventually, your cells are turned on all the time, that they never turn off, which is cancer -- cells that multiply when they shouldn't be.

my point is, most of us have done far, far worse than the unknown effects of minoxidil. (low blood pressure -- "the silent killer", and who knows what else), and finasteride. (all sorts of sh*t).

we are willing to take these chances, because for some of us, life w/o hair may as well be life without a dick. i don't know about you, but i have a huge, hooked nose. i also have great, thick hair. If I lose my hair, not only do I lose my best feature, but my nose seems even bigger. I don't want a nose job. I can't rationalize why, so don't ask. I do know that I used to work with all women, and while some love bald, hair is a big deal to women. bigger than than tits are to us, no pun intended. it's almost like having a big bells. sure, most women expect a belly, but they would still kill for great abs on their guy.

Remember the Seinfeld episode? What Elaine says? And then George says, "I knew it!"

Bring on the pain. I'll sell my soul to the devil for some hair.


The risks from minoxidil, ketoconazole, finasteride are real, but so are the risks from many many things in common daily use.

Asprin, tobbaco, alcohol, pesticides, fungacides and a very long list of things we ingest would give ketoconazole a real run for it's money.

BTW, Bob marley's cancers was not lung cancer, it started in his foot.

The Gardener

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This website doesn't prove much to me. Just scaremongering... I'm sure it helps their traffic stats.

First off, it is wrong in labeling Minoxidil as a 'cosmetic' w.r.t. how the FDA would test it. This is a deliberately misleading conclusion that ignores the history of Minoxidil's previous classification by the FDA and lowers this website's credibility in my opinion.

Minoxidil is a controlled substance, once only available by prescription. It may be considered a 'cosmetic' now and available over-the-counter but previously it was not. There is a difference. As a controlled substance, Minoxidil has gone through much more substantial testing than the other 'cosmetics' that this website lists it with. In short, very misleading.

This website gives Toms of Maine shampoo a 3. This is a brand name that concentrates on marketing products that are free from additives and chemicals.

Frankly, Toms deserves a 1. And by this website's logic of multiplying factors by 3, Nizoral deserves a 3.

Have you heard of any Nizoral-induced cancer clusters? Me neither.

And again, addressing Minoxidil... did you know that the PPG this website refers to is also the primary replacement for lipids in fat-free cheese? If there is a danger to it, we would be far from the first at risk of suffering from it.

Just my opinion... me, sitting here eating RED dyed M&M candies, and drinking a Nutrasweet/aspartame-sweetened Diet Coke... as millions upon millions of people before me have done without any appearance of cancer clusters...


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The Gardener said:
This website doesn't prove much to me. Just scaremongering... I'm sure it helps their traffic stats.

First off, it is wrong in labeling Minoxidil as a 'cosmetic' w.r.t. how the FDA would test it. This is a deliberately misleading conclusion that ignores the history of Minoxidil's previous classification by the FDA and lowers this website's credibility in my opinion.

Minoxidil is a controlled substance, once only available by prescription. It may be considered a 'cosmetic' now and available over-the-counter but previously it was not. There is a difference. As a controlled substance, Minoxidil has gone through much more substantial testing than the other 'cosmetics' that this website lists it with. In short, very misleading.

This website gives Toms of Maine shampoo a 3. This is a brand name that concentrates on marketing products that are free from additives and chemicals.

Frankly, Toms deserves a 1. And by this website's logic of multiplying factors by 3, Nizoral deserves a 3.

Have you heard of any Nizoral-induced cancer clusters? Me neither.

And again, addressing Minoxidil... did you know that the PPG this website refers to is also the primary replacement for lipids in fat-free cheese? If there is a danger to it, we would be far from the first at risk of suffering from it.

Just my opinion... me, sitting here eating RED dyed M&M candies, and drinking a Nutrasweet/aspartame-sweetened Diet Coke... as millions upon millions of people before me have done without any appearance of cancer clusters...

i agree that we take all sorts of sh*t these days, and we do not know how safe they are. but nizoral itself says to use it for up to 8 weeks, when many of us have used it for years. toms of maine is a natural product manafacturer (i use its tootpaste btw), but not all natural products are going to be 100% okay either, so your logic that it should be a 1 is not really based on anything. The fact is all sorts of products that we use and foods that we consume these days have all sorts of sh*t in it. A lot of cows are shot with hormones to produce more quantities of milk, chickens are have various growth stimulants to produce more flesh, etc. etc. There is no concrete proof that all these things, including shampoos such as nizoral have produced "cancer clusters," no, but there does seem to be a greater increase in cancer, at least from my experience. There was a report that was recently reduced that claims cancer has now superceded heart disease as the #1 killer in the U.S. From the number of cases I have been hearing about in my personal life over the past 5 years, I'm not surprised.

I am not advocating the non use of Nizoral. I still use it. But i do know that people on this board have said to let it soak on as long as possible. I have stopped doing this, and think people should have the information on these reports so that they can decided personally what they wish to do. The safer bet is really to use it every 3rd day and to NOT let it soak for a long time, maybe just a minute or so.

There is no doubt a lot of sh*t that we use or consume that has weird stuff in it. Doesn't make it safe, just because the FDA has approved it though. I just bought some coookie dough the other day that has Proplene Glycol. The same sh*t that helps the minoxidil absorb better.

The Gardener

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I know what you are saying, Receeding boy. Did you also know that PPG is a major ingredient in car radiator coolants?... and, PPG is the main active ingredient in de-iceing spray used at airports? In addition to it's coolant and de-iceing properties, it is a very commonly used emulsifier of artificial flavors and colors in commonly used processed foods. It's quite the renaissance chemical!