Hair Replacement, why the fook not??


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Just been browsing another site and came across starnets hair replacement system from farrell. Its looks incredible I must say

Now that they have opened in London im honestly thinking about making an appointment and seeing what they can do for me.

Its alot of maintenance and everything but I doubt its any more time than what I spend on my thinning hair now.

Just wondering why most people have such a problem with hair replacement. You are pretty much gurenteed to never grow back a full head of hair on propecia and minoxidil (yea i know there are a couple of exceptions like martin from the hairlosstalk gallery), but honestly whats the big deal. You have a FULL new head of hair that will look any way you want it to within reason, you can go out during the day and feel good about yourself, get on with your life. I think theres something to be said for that, even if you are wearing something thats ultimately false.

Get the replacement, take a month off work and come back with your new hair, say you been on medication for hairloss and paid for a really good haircut, noone will ever know (Im talking about ultra custom hair replacement, not discount chain wigs)

Also I know this is in the wrong forum, but noone ever reads the replacement forum, so I guess this is a generalised question asking why?


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because even a good hair peice looks like a dead ferret on someone's head....THen there's the argument that you can't tell if it's really good. BS, I can. In pictures maybe not but in person easily.


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Plus, why the fook would you if you have a good head of hair still that could potentially be greatly recovered with even finasteride alone? Look at Diddy, he's my personal inspiration. I'm hoping that @ 9months, I'm gonna see that, and all just through finasteride. So that's why the fook not, many of us aren't ready to take the plunge in other routes if we don't know for sure that medication isn't gonna work for us.


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Oh absolutely, I agree with you on that. If you have a head of hair that you would be happy to maintain then get yourself on propecia ofcourse. You have an 83% or whatever chance of keeping it. But Ive been on propecia and monox for 16 months, and although I have maintained, Im just not happy with the head of hair I have. If you are hoping for great regrowth, then theres a pretty good chance you aint gonna get it.

So Im just saying for those people who are in a situation where they have tried the drugs like me, or they are a norwood 3 and up, why wouldn't anyone wanna head of hair like that guy on hairsite has. Its ultra custom replacement, costs alot of money but Ive seen video streams of people with the hair and I dont see how you could spot them as fake.


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Deaner said:
Plus, why the fook would you if you have a good head of hair still that could potentially be greatly recovered with even finasteride alone? Look at Diddy, he's my personal inspiration. I'm hoping that @ 9months, I'm gonna see that, and all just through finasteride. So that's why the fook not, many of us aren't ready to take the plunge in other routes if we don't know for sure that medication isn't gonna work for us.


hair mchair

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If you are on Propecia and minoxidil, are maintaining, and do not have any side effects, then why don't you stick to your regimen and get a hair transplant. A hairpiece should be a last resort.


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because IMO a hair transplant is the ultimate last resort not hair replacement.

Theres no way Im having someone cut up my head when a cure or better treatments could be here in the not so distant future.

Also someone like me with a decent amount of hair will most likely go through shock fallout due to the procedure and lose alot of what they have to start with. Also to be honest from pictures and video that Ive seen hair transplantation can't give you back a full stylish head of hair like an ultra custom system can.

You gotta admit the guy in those picture looks a million bucks no?


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yes, Diddy, check out his post titled my *ALMOST* 9 month pics, and another one of him @ 15 months.


If any of my mates found out I wore a wig, I might as well end everything there, because this will give them a life times worth of baiting.

Not worth it.


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Gunner said:
If any of my mates found out I wore a wig, I might as well end everything there, because this will give them a life times worth of baiting.

Not worth it.

They might even rip it off your head and play monkey in the middle


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Gunner said:
If any of my mates found out I wore a wig, I might as well end everything there, because this will give them a life times worth of baiting.

Not worth it.

Look at the guy in the links I provided, if he was your friend and you somehow found out his hair was a replacement system would you make fun of him? I know I wouldn't, it looks great.

People will only make fun of you if it looks like crap.

If they make a little fun take it in your stride, you feel better about yourself and more confident thats what were all striving for here. Also to be honest if they would cause real upset for you simply because your trying to improve the quality and happyness in your life then you don't have very good friends

Its just strange to me how people are willing to save up thousands of dollars (30,000 one guy said in another topic) for someone to cut up their scalp in a procedure that is generally being performed to very bad standards in alot of cases throughout the country, instead of getting the head of hair they always wanted the non surgical route just because of the idiot stigma thats attacthed with hair systems.


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those are just pictures......Unless you see it in real light it's really hard to judge whether it's a good or not....Even the pieces in hairloss videos look like sh*t , and that's under perfect for the camera conditions.

Ever see the Toppik pictures? they look truly amazing...but anyone who has tried that product knows that it's impossible to get those kind of results.

I'd rather be bald (and probably will be) than sport one of those things.


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If you're going to get the wig, than just do it. It sounds like you've already convinced yourself to do it. Don't look for approval here because you are not going to get it. In my opinion, getting a hair piece is just too would be trying to make a foreign object part of you. With medical treatments, one is only trying sustain (finasteride/minoxidil) or transfer (hair transplant) that which is already a part of themselves.


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Last time I checked Dave you don't speak for everyone here and secondly I am not seeking or want your approval.

Im maintaining just fine right now, but if things get much worse then its something i will deffinately look into instead of going under the knife.

I was simply wondering what peoples opinnions were

hair mchair

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I think if you want to try wearing a piece, go for it. If you don't like it, then you can always stop wearing it. However, if you are considering an hair transplant as a last resort, make sure you stay on Propecia even if you decide on the piece. So at least you can keep as much hair as possible so you'll have better results from your hair transplant.

One thing you should keep in mind though is that a hairpiece might accelerate your hairloss.

Personally, I would probably wear a piece if I went completely bald. I don't like the way I look without hair. If anyone looks down on me, that's their problem. I wouldn't wear it to impress other people - I'd wear it for myself. I think this is the only way to go. If you're wearing a hairpiece to hide your baldness or impress other people, then you will be insecure and paranoid. If you are wearing it just to improve your appearance, then you might very well be happy with it.


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hair mchair

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TortoiseAndHair said:
I guess hats are different than hair systems. Do hair systems really cause hair loss?

They can, depending on the method of attachment and depending on how often you have the hairpiece on your head. I've read that hairpieces can cause traction alopecia if they are attached to existing hair. The hairpiece pulls on your hair and could damage the follicle. Wearing a piece 24/7 could accelerate the loss of your hair underneath the hairpiece.

Hats are indeed different from hair systems. A hat won't contribute to your hairloss unless it cuts off your circulation.