Hair retention&growth stimulation W/CP's.UPDATE W,DRPick


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Intersting comment made by Dr Pickart on his site. I have never heard what hair growth results you can specifically expect from Copper-Peptides until now.

It seem like the results are a little better than minoxidil 2% were you to simulate this vaguely mentioned study. Unforunately we don't know what % of CP's they used or how frequently they applied it in this study.

For the FDA studies they used 2.5% & 1.5%, and 2.5% was the winner. Apparantly the dark blue color and irritation were problems in the FDA studies. We also know that Folligen, Tricomin and American Crew use less than 1% in their formulas.

So with what is available to us in current concentrations, it would seem like CP's are mainly usefull to repair some of the damage done to our scalp via minoxidil or other topicals. Not that I ever expected regrowth from it, in fact I have never had much faith in that. It's just interesting getting verification from the inventor of the product. I was a bit dissapointed. But it still has a lot more science backing it than allot of other junk we use.

Anyway......the write up.


Hair retention & growth stimulation
In 1985, a series of GHK-Cu analogues with added hydrophobic residues (fatty acids or hydrophobic amino acids) was found to stimulate hair growth strongly around healing wounds in mice. It was possible to obtain striking increases in hair follicle size and the rate of localised hair growth in mice.

Later, Hideo Uno and colleagues at the University of Wisconsin reported that these copper complexes produced a stimulation of the follicular cell proliferation, resulting in an enlargement of the anagen follicles, and converted vellus hair into terminal hair. GHK-Cu analogues also minimised hair loss after experimental chemotherapy in rats and accelerated new hair growth. These actions on hair growth may be secondary to improvements in skin vitality that increase nutrient flow to hair follicles.16

In humans, the results are less striking but do exist. An unpublished study by ProCyte reported that one GHK-Cu analogue increased terminal hair growth in adult men approximately 30% more than was reported for the control substance (2% minoxidil). GHK-Cu has been shown to increase hair outgrowth from hair transplants in men.17


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30% better then minox2% is alot but considering that it was a 2,5% lotion and the CP used today is less then 1% trico, folligen and Am crew wont do jack, especially when they used the 2,5% lotion twice a day.


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rill said:
30% better then minox2% is alot but considering that it was a 2,5% lotion and the CP used today is less then 1% trico, folligen and Am crew wont do jack, especially when they used the 2,5% lotion twice a day.

Well I am not so sure it's useless. We can definately be assured the performance won't be as good as the "30% better then minox2% ." Were you to use it alone for a regimen, you would for sure be doomed. If you use it as an ajunct to help repair some of the damage we do by applying some of the harsh topicals, maybe we can expect something around the results of nizoral 1%? Who knows.

But I do know some of use like me cannot use Minoxidil without them, so for those of us with irritation, it's very useful.

I think the Supercop you can buy on is probably close to the 2.5% but Dr Pickart doesn't recommend using it on your scalp. Even with that, I believe someone that used to post here (MediaTech) used it anyway. He had really good results with it from what I remember. He either did that or used a massive amount of regular Folligen...I can't remember which. Considerign how long a bottle of CP's last and how cheap it is, I will still use it on days I use T/SAL or nizoral.


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Do you guys know the exact amount of Cu peptides used in tricomin, etc. I know you said less than 1%, but the exact amount???


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2[/url] is probably close to the 2.5% but Dr Pickart doesn't recommend using it on your scalp. Even with that, I believe someone that used to post here (MediaTech) used it anyway. He had really good results with it from what I remember. He either did that or used a massive amount of regular Folligen...I can't remember which. Considerign how long a bottle of CP's last and how cheap it is, I will still use it on days I use T/SAL or nizoral.

If the cp-levels are really low atleast Im not comfortable spraying a alcohol spay on my scalp, I hope it doesnt do more harm then good!

Whats the "supercop" sounds like a cartoon!!!

Is it Kens knew alias?


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Supercop is a product produced by Loren Pickart and sold by his company Skin Biology, the same company that produces Folligen. It is his strongest CU peptide skin product, designed to help rebuild aging or damaged skin. It contains the highest concentration of CU peptides of any product on the market. It is not designed for hair loss, but it will deliver more CU peptides to the skin than anything else, so it could presumably be used on the scalp, although it may cause irritation.


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Ok I got a re-clarification from Dr Pickart this morning about the amounts of Copper Peptides used in the FDA trials for hairloss. The amounts are very diferant from what I have read on another website which has an interview with him. To be fair I guess the other website had a typo and misquoted him...this is what the site has in the interview......

regrowth: GraftCyte, Iamin, and Folligen all contain less than 1% of their active ingredient. The studies on Tricomin on 1.25% and 2.5% formula showed only the 2.5% formula was effective for hair loss. Why does Folligen not include a similar percentage of active ingredient? Do you believe Folligen would be more effective than currently if it used a similar higher percentage?

Dr. Pickart: Folligen probably would be more active at a higher percentage. But we are fighting the blue color problem. Also, skin irritation might occur at higher concentrations. We still need controlled clinical studies to optimize Folligen.

And here is what he said to me in an email that I sent Monday........I have no idea what happen to the original email I sent which had my original questions, I put it in a saved folder at work but I guess I deleted it yesterday when I moved some stuff around. @#$%

So my paraphrased question will be in BOLD and his response will be normal text......his responses are the exact wording I got this morning.


Since the amounts of Copper Peptides used in the FDA trials are so differant, what form of your product is closest to the version? Is it SuperCop?

Dear **********

1. The closest would be the Body Lotion.

The amounts used in the FDA trials should have been at least 10 times higher.

The copper-peptide amount was about 0.4 % in the FDA trials.

Super Cop is about 10% copper peptide but the systems are different
so you cannot make a direct comparison.

Midway through my last bottle of Folligen I had several large cornflake like pieces of material floating in the bottle. I sent several emails asking what it was an no one responded so I tossed it out. What were they?

2. The Folligen is overloaded with material and filtered twice.
But material comes out with time. Like good wine has debris and
real strawberry jelly is watery.

Just discard the material - the Folligen is OK - it is so strong you can loose some.

What do you think of corticosteroids on the scalp for irritation? Are you going to make a lower PPG minoxidil formula to help combat irritation since your company is focused on the skin?

3. Any corticosteroid used for a long period is harmful to skin.

We`are just going to focus on developing our version of copper peptides.

Since Copper-Peptides are water soluble, shouldn't we avoid using Copper-Peptides after a shower?

4. You cann use the SRCPs once your skin is dry - even a few minutes. The SRCPs cannot go anywhere else.


Loren Pickart


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Sorry this is confusing. It's so hard piecing together info on Copper-Peptides because of the bad blood between Dr Pickart and his old company Tricomin. Both sides want to be secretive and protect their products.

The contradicting info found all over the place is maddening.