hair surgery: a permanent solution?


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If im still a NW1-1.5 with aggressive shedding at 18 years old can i consider a transplant to be a permanent solution to a full thick head of hair for a lifetime?
just wondering if i should take drugs that screw with my system or let it go naturally and get a hair replacement surgery to keep it on for the rest of my life?

please give youre opinions


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Can a hair transplant ever give you a full head of hair? NO! A hair transplant can help to fill in bald/thin spots, but you will NEVER have enough donor hair to get a full density head of hair with transplants.

If you want to keep your hair, then your best bet it to get on medications to keep it, wait until your hairloss stabilizes, then get a transplant to fill in your hair in the needed areas. Transplanting your hair does nothing to help your current hairs from falling out, so you don't even want to do it until you know how far your loss is going to go.

Hairloss medications first, hair transplant second.


My Regimen
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Nope, transplanting hairs into bald spot is like planting flowers in toxic sands.
Bald spots are full of 5-alpha-reductase creators in sebaceous gland, only natural regrowth by decreasing bald places can make permanent solution, but it can take years.


My Regimen
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Ben said:
Transplanted hairs will grow in a bald spot, they will grow anywhere over the whole head so im not sure what you mean by toxic sands since these hairs will be DHT resistant.

And how transplanted hair can be DHT resistant? Hairs are not DHT resistant by itself, but by medicines which protect those hairs. Bald places have too many 5-alpha-reductase creators to transplated hairs can be fully protected even by finasteride. Transplated hairs would fall out it's sure, up from few months to even a year.