Hair/tansplant worth it???


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hi ive been shaving the very little hair i have left for many years!!! i did have the whole goatie and earing( which ive taken out) thing which does suite me but doesnt really doesnt paint a good image of ya! now planning on a hair transplant hmmmm not sure on wether its the right thing i do want HAIR!! also at the moment using minoxidil beacuse were there are my supposedly bald spots there seems to be really tiny black hairs/dots which i can see close up in the mirror ive only notice these since i "tried letting it grow" the rest of the hair around is about 1cm. ( women i dont have a problem getting but i need to wear the cap on first day for defo so the dnt think im some thug! lol but the CAp think dont help either)

Help advice ad comments please!


Senior Member
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Exactly, without pics we cant have any idea how to advise you.


Senior Member
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If you're heading to a NW6 or NW7 a hair transplant will be very difficult unless your expectations are extremely low. You won't get anything approaching a full head of hair.