Hair thinning all over, how do I aply minoxidil >whole scalp


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I got this problem, the manual recommends 1ml 2 times a day.
Im on it for 4 days now (and i didnt aply it this morning as i didnt have time)

My hair is thnning allover so i dont really have any bald spots that stand out. Well maybe the side. This is the blame on my hairstyle (and I just got plain thin hair)

I just cant get 1ml spread allover my scalp so my hair grows evenly.
Right now im givving my hairline extra attention.
My hairline alone is about 0.5-1ml (I try to stay below 0.5) and then I need tho cover the top, sides and back to.

No way I can do that with 1ml the way Im doing it now.

I have a sprayer btw, I dont massage the minoxidil in (scared for hairs on my hands tho I wash them afterworths!)

I use 4 to 6 puffs on my hair line and tilt my head back and then I feel the minoxidil running back. So if i needed to guess, my hairline is covers for 2.5cm, Maybe 4 (as in I feel minoxidil actualy running on my head)

Then to cover the rest i spray randomly another 4 to 6puffs spread over the sides, crown and back.

My guestion is, how can I aply the minoxidil better (evenly spread out)
Or is this not that a big of problem?
Does the minoxidil spreid out a bit underneath my scalp so the place that are 'dry' will benefite aswell?

Can any1 give me some pointers on this as my hair is hopefully only gonna get thicker and thus harder to aply minoxidil.

Basicly I'm asking u a good way to aply minoxidil evenly on the entire scalp in case all this jibberish is unreadable.
Is there a special tool?
Do I massage it in?

A little help ,lots of gratitude


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Ge an eye dropper and use that to put it on your scalp.


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Not all forms of minoxidil come with an dropper. For example, Minsaw-A, which is 7% minoxidil, plus retin-a, plus saw palmetto, comes with a sprayer. If you use that sprayer, more of the solution will get on your hair rather than your scalp.


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Simple just use more. I do.
The easiest way to apply is with a dropper. The spray top is only good if you barely have any hair on your head.
I start by parting my hair on the side and put a drop in the back of the part, tilt my head forward and let the drop roll to the front of the part. Then I gently rub it into the part.
I part my hair several times across the top of my head til I reach the other side.
Then I rub a couple drops into my temples and then I put just under a 1ml on the vertex.
For each application I use about 2ml. My hair is quite long and absorbs a lot of the minoxidil but it works for me. Total application time is about 10 minutes maybe less. It usually takes an 45 minutes to an hour to dry enough to where i can blow dry my hair and it doesn't leave any greasiness behind. It actually makes my hair feel thicker.
Been doing it this way for 10 months now and it took a little practice at first but after about a month you'll be a pro.


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Got it, whent out to the pharmacy and got it for free.

Lovely lady :)
Ile try that parting technique, i justpushed the sprayer in between my hair against the scalp.

Ile try it tonight and tell u if its working for me.

Did use 2ml again,
however I feel much better about using the eye dropper, work abit of practice it will beat the sprayer methode.

About the parting technique, I need to practice on that to.
I rubbed my scalp but my hair sure doesnt look good after it.
All messed up and spots where the hair looks thin (spots with more minoxidil on it). I'm thinking of going to 5% and use it only 1 time a day.
Before bedtime, any thoughts on that?


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There has been a study showing that the 5% solution is more effective for regrowth, on this website i think.


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Ketler said:
About the parting technique, I need to practice on that to.
I rubbed my scalp but my hair sure doesnt look good after it.
All messed up and spots where the hair looks thin (spots with more minoxidil on it). I'm thinking of going to 5% and use it only 1 time a day.
Before bedtime, any thoughts on that?

Don't rub hard. I just use two fingers and GENTLY rub the minoxidil in so it doesn't drip down my face. It's barely even rubbing more like pressing.
As far as it messing your hair up...As you get better appliying the minoxidil it won't be as bad.
My first application of minoxidil is right after a shower. I lightly blow dry so the part of my scalp that's getting the minoxidil is dry. Apply the minoxidil, then wet my hands and run them through my hair without touching the scalp. Let it sit for 45 minutes to an hour then blow dry (very low heat setting)and I can't even tell theres minoxidil in my hair.

You need to use 5% minoxidil twice a day for it to be effective.
Using 5% minoxidil 1x/day does not equal 2% 2x/day


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BadHairDecade said:
You need to use 5% minoxidil twice a day for it to be effective.
Using 5% minoxidil 1x/day does not equal 2% 2x/day

The reason i want to go 1/day is of the hassle to do it every morning.
Before bed is no prob at all.
Maybe rotate between 1 and 2 times a day.
Or once around 5pm and 11pm, would that be the best way to go about it?

Im alread getting good at aplying minoxidil ,the eye dropper is a big help.
I'le be switching to 5% in 1-2 weeks.
But this is a good idea, this might make minoxidil less efficient over time and Ile have to scale up fast as I'm only 22...

Tho I have been thinking to add a dht inhibitor, a topical kind.
I'm to young to mess up my hormones.

I'm thinking spironolactone from Dr Lee.
Doing this I might be able to maintain my regrow.
I seen post of ppl that stop using minoxidil after a few years and just use finasteride without loosing lots of hair everyday.

What other topical inhibitor are there with a good result/money ratio?

To soon to tell as im only on minoxidil for a week.
I have gotten 1% nizoral for the itching. This itself might be a very mild dht inhibitor.


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What you may want to look into then is DR. Lees 5% minoxidil. It has a higher alcohol content and lower PPG content so it dries in about 15-20 minutes and doesn't leave your hair greasy at all.


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More alcohol, is that a good idea?
It would be more expensife then my current 5% minoxidil and buying some spironolactone from dr Lee


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I wouldn't have recommenended it if I didn't think it was a good idea :wink: I'm just trying to give you alternatives so you'll get results. In my opinoin 1x/day minoxidil application is not enough. There are no short cuts for hair regrowth.


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I orderd some spironolactone as the 5% minoxidil is on its way.
Its cheaper this way to.

Btw, can I do harm to use 1.5ml 2 times aday except paying more for minoxidil each year?


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Ketler said:
Btw, can I do harm to use 1.5ml 2 times aday except paying more for minoxidil each year?
No, I usually use a little more than 1 ml, although less than 1.5.


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I use 2ml per application (4ml/day). No harm done. I have three bottles of Lee's spironolactone I would have sold you for $40 shipped(assuming your in the US). I don't use the stuff anymore.
Be sure you apply the spironolactone first then wait about 20 minutes then apply the minoxidil otherwise it's gonna make your hair smell like skunk. The second application before bed is even worse if you don't wash your hair.
I came to bed one night and my woman was like "what's that smell". She said "someone must have hit a skunk outside". It was no skunk. It was my head :lol: True story.



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I'm gonna try to wait at least a year before going on finasteride so in the mean time spironolactone seems the best idea (price/result).

I see some bad reviews about spironolactone on this forum.
Lots of ppl noticed hair thickening within 4 months and then their hairline goes back further then it was before they started spironolactone.

What can u tell me about this?

edit: I'm getting rather insecure choosing spironolactone over finasteride... both cuase shedding and spironolactone is 50% alcohol... :?