Hair thinning all over?


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My temples have receded a bit (Norwood 1.5-1.75 on the right; Norwood 1.25 on the left), and my front is thinning (this, I know, is male pattern baldness). But why is the hair all over my head losing its pigment, even at the back of my head near the neck and on the sides? My hair, all over, has gone from med-brown to blond! Is this a normal part of male pattern baldness, or should I see a doctor? I have been under a tremendous amount of stress for a few years now---could this diffuse, all-over-my-head thinning be related to stress or something else besides male pattern baldness?


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It is always a good idea to go to a doctor and have blood work-up done to make sure your hormones and thyroid are functioning normally.

I suggest you make an appointment :)

As far as male pattern baldness, it is possible you are destined to be a NW7 and it is happening in a diffused pattern rather then a slow recession. In which case all your hair except a small band around your ears and neck will be bald.

The good news is diffused pattern baldness tends to respond best to treatments.


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with respect,

"As far as male pattern baldness, it is possible you are destined to be a NW7 and it is happening in a diffused pattern rather then a slow recession. In which case all your hair except a small band around your ears and neck will be bald. "

Possible, though highly unlikely. My father has hair like John Kerry, and my mom's brothers have all their hair. Plus, I'm almost 31, and my hair is, all things considered, almost perfect. But I take your point, and I'll reconsider my treatment options AND see a derm.


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My father is 50 a NW0 with as much hair as I had when I was 18yrs. All his brothers are the same way. My mother's mother's family all has good hair... However on my mother's father's side there is hairloss.

All it takes is one gene somewhere in your past. It can happen anytime... I was talking on another board about a similar topic... One guy stated his father had great hair till he was 35 then went bald in 5yrs.

I'm not saying that is you or that is likely to happen to you. Just make sure you take the problem seriously. Get the blood-work up done and if it comes back good dont live in denial. Too many guys think, "not me" and then wait to it is too late.

Anyhow, GL man and I wish you the best. I'm sorry if I'm coming across negative but I just hate to see another guy loose hair he doesnt have to loose ya know? :)


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I highly doubt its stress(i know your hoping it is though like i once did)

The only way it could be stress is if you were a women and just had a baby......or something very tramatic happened like a death of a close relative.You cant go bald just from stress caused at work.

Also Socks said it could be thyroid problems...this could be a good reason why but if you suspect it is a thyroid problem or dont think its male pattern baldness look for the signs of a thyroid problem which you could have an under or over active thyroid but some on the signs are fatigue(although i hate that word why dont you just say tired?",feeling hot or cold(depending on if its overactive or underactive),or weight gain or weight loss(again depending on which thyroid problem you have).

Also Socks how can you say that diffuse thinners are better responders to treaments?


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blue Writes:

Also Socks how can you say that diffuse thinners are better responders to treaments?

That has been more or less the consensus of some of the more "enlightened" regs on another message board I participate on.

Although I do concede some people feel the opposite...