Hair thinning from propecia?


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I was just wondering if this is normal or if maybe I'm having a bad side effect from the drug. I'm hoping that it thickens up more. I'm 10 months into it.



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I've been on it for 5 months and my hair thinned in the front at 3 month's but now looks like it is thickening. Everyone responds different, just hang in there.


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i just responed/posted a similar thread

ive been on finasteride for almost 8 months now and it seems the crown has improved ever so slightly, yet my bangs/front/top looks to be uniformly thinner all over. im not sure if this is good or bad. i began with thinness in the crown and not much else. now it appears that the front/temples/top have thinned ever so slightly, and the back has thicked ever so slightly ... almost as though its a uniform thinness throughout. whatevers going on, i want uniform thickness to occur. i just hope that since i have had a slow loss, this means that i will have slow growth. im just waiting on that growth to appear


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I've been on it for about a month now and ive started to thin really badly. I really hope things will improve, as its kind of a lifeline. Also, since beginging the regimen my scalp has been covered in really bad psoriasis. Does anyone know how this affects hairloss. I'm guessing that clumps of skin being shed will also take hair with it. I hope this isn't a reaction, and is just a coinsidence.


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i thinned really bad but am slowly getting back to normal. As for the hairline its way to early for me to tell. its all about the long wait.


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two and a half months now, my hair is so thin. WTF, propecia is really accelerating things. I'm almost entirly bald now!! give it another month and i will have merely a horseshoe!


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I'm 6 months in and hairline continued to receed and thinning all over that I never had when I started.

I stoped taking finasteride for a few days this week but started again, I do not have the heart to give up after trying this long even though finasteride appears to be wrecking my hair. I'm still hoping for that miracle.

Still think I might have reflex androgenicity due to continued high sides. finasteride works negatively if you suffer this, that's my worry...

Just don;t know what to do for the some ways I wish I never started..all this drug taking and treatments taking over my life and for what hair that continues to get worse....Bugger


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how rare is this reflex androgenicity? no one has ever mentioned this before. If i had known i would never have touched the stuff. My god, its unlucky enough to go bald, let alone have a complicated variation of baldness!!!


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my suggestion is to get on rogaine foam for the temples amnd hairline and let propecia work on the rest of the head. propecia might make some peoples hair lines worse but i think people just over exaggerate.


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while I agree that there is a bit of exaggeration going on, it is based on actual events (however small).

My left temple (well into 6 month of treatment) is still thinning, I hope my hair returns to baseline+ at around the 12th month.


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my advice lain is to foam up ur front part for a good 3 months and see how you respond, that plus propecia should be able to halt it and get sum hairs in there if they havent been bald for a while.


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Just wondering, has anyone ever suggested that the thinning is due to the drop in dht levels? like dht spurs body hair maybe half the hair density on top was dependent on dht for some time and then fell off when finasteride came in the picture... so will take some time before it regrows back.

Before I started finasteride, I had beard like hairs all over my head. now at 10 months my hair is thinner all over but the squiggly hairs are leaving and I get new undergrowth on my hair line. Am a diffused thinner with slight recession.