Hair today gone tommrow.....i give up and it gets worse!


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Im carl 25 I started balding about 3 years ago slowly from then a nw1 to 2 and now at 3 :thumbdown2: I have tried many things with no luck I am currently using spectral dnc with american crew shampoo conditioner and spray and vitamin tablets they have slowed it down but its slowly gettin worse year after year.

I feel so depressed wasteing money with no results i think ive spent £100's I dernt even shave what I have because I look like a medical victim! bein pale and skinny aint a good look anyway without adding a bald head on top!

and whats worse I have to attend my nans funeral on friday I aint looking forward to it famaily I aint seen in years talking to me trying to make eye contact when I know there just looking at my head.

So whats next? More products? well tricomin or revivogen ae on the cards at the moment I want to give propecia anouther shot I only toke one tablet befor but after a few hours felt like crap and had major brain fog!

its all or nothing and nothing I know ill go bald and never come out the house I have even become obsessed now at looking at other peoples balding scalps on tv trying to convince myself mine aint that bad!

I well best go sweep up some more hairs off my keyboard.



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My Regimen
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I feel you 'cause my situation is somewhat similar to yours... started losing probably when I was 22-23, started finasteride 2 yrs ago when I was 23.5 yrs old. Had a decent amount of hair back then but it has been getting worse and worse ever since. I used finasteride until January and have used minoxidil foam 1x a day since May 2007, with no noticeable effect... well I think minoxidil is somewhat maintaining what I have (too bad I didn't have that much hair when I started it). I can't do anything else, too expensive and nothing is guaranteed to work anyways so I guess I'm fucked.