hair transplant #3 - 4600 Grafts Dr. Hasson - Progress Thread w/ pics


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Goals of 3rd hair transplant:

Refine and increase density of hair line
Close temple angles
Best possible coverage top and crown
Maximal graft yield


Dr. Hasson and his team did a great job again from A to Z. Without a doubt my #1 choice. I was hoping for a higher graft yield but the density of the donor area did not allow for more. As you can see the sides on the top did not receive any grafts. Instead focus was given to the center area and increasing density for this area. Dr. Hasson commented that there is more donor hair available if needed.

hair transplant History:

2002, 650 Hairline FUE Grafts, Dr. Gho
2004, 1800 Hairline Strip Grafts, Dr. Hasson
2010, 4600 Hairline & Crown Grafts, Dr. Hasson

Total: 7050 grafts

Hairloss History:

Diffuse hair loss started being noticeable 10 years back when 20 years old
Gradually progressing since then despite regimen

Current Regimen:

0.5 mg Avdart daily
Rogaine Foam 5% 2x daily
Graftcyte conditioner daily
Nizoral shampoo (4 weeks after hair transplant)
Miconazolnitrat Creme 2% 1x daily morning
Clotrimazol Creme 2% 1x daily night
3000 mg MSM daily
Biotin/Zinc/Vitamin B supplements daily

My goal is to get back to a proper hair length and coverage asap. If anyone has any more comments on my regimen to achieve this please let me know.

I will be updating this thread with pictures gradually as a payback for all the great help I have received in this forum. Next update will be at the day 20 mark.

Questions, feedback and other comments are welcome.



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Got any pics of the scar, cause after 3 ops and 7000+ grafts it will be difficult to still get a good looking scar.


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s.a.f said:
Got any pics of the scar, cause after 3 ops and 7000+ grafts it will be difficult to still get a good looking scar.

Good point s.a.f. - I'll be adding pictures of the scar to the compilation for the sake of completeness once the staples are out next week.

Note that this has been only my 2nd Strip - first was FUE. The scar from my 1st hair transplant was typical Dr. Hasson work - very tight and slim and not noticeable with a decent length. The strip for the 2nd hair transplant has obviously been extracted in a way so there will remain only one scar.


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Note: Seems impossible to post pictures right now?
Sorry, the board attachment quota has been reached.

For now you can see progress here: ... erthread=y

Day 20 update is attached. As one can see and as expected there is lots of sock loss going on and it appears the grafts have shedded to a large percentage.
Recovery is going well - the scar are is still pretty swollen but I hope the swelling will normalize soon. Next update at the one month mark - day 30.

Scar pics will be added at month 3.



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Dude! You will have a great head of hair in one year from now!
I'm going to follow the progress here month by month. Good luck!


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Day 30 update attached - noticeable shock loss.
Toppik being a good help to get through the ugly duckling stage.
Next update at day 40.


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2 months update

60 days / 2 months update

Not much to report. Seems like I won some ground in the shock loss area. Hair quality and growth speed is fair which I attribute to my herbs treatment. No graft growth yet.

Next update day 90 = 3 months.


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