Hair Transplant Advice (with pics)


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I'm in my mid-twenties, been losing hair since I was 19. Started proscar and rogaine at the age of 20. It has given me 5 extra years
with decent hair and for that I'm truly greatful. But now at the age of 25-ish, my front has gotten worse and worse and it is
hard to make it look good. I know I will probably end up a NW4 like my father, and for this reason I'm determined to go for
a conservative hairline. My father has some minor thinning in the crown with NW4 hairloss on top of his head but has kept all of his "sides". I would
say he's got a pretty good donor area.

FUE is the only alternative for me. My hair color is very similar to my skin color which I think works in my favor when it comes
to a transplant. But on the other hand, my hair type is not very thick.

I've had online consultations with a couple of docs: Feriduni, ********, Devroye, Reddy to name a few. They have all
made a very professional impression on me even though their opinions somewhat differ from one another.


The black line represents where I want to establish the hairline. I could go higher than that if the doctor
advices me to in a live consultation. The red line is where my hairline used to be. It was even lower than that.
The fact that it was so low from the beginning has made my progression less noticeable.

The blue line highlights the area that I've kept alive with finasteride and minoxidil. Without treatment,
that area would most likely be bald. It is only the frontal part of my hairline and the corners that are receding,
my sides stay intact just like my fathers.

In this picture the blue line represents how far my fathers hair has receded and that is probably
where I'm heading to. It seems logical to keep this in mind when I begin my hair transplant journey.

I'm thinking something like this:

A conservative, yet strong hairline.

I've had no side effects from medication during these 5 years and I plan to stay on them. I've saved up the money
and I'm all set to go but I'm not going to rush into anything. My hair is important to me and I'm sure all of you guys
feel the same about yours. Reading some of the stories on here and other forums I've realised how lucky I've been
to keep my hair all throughout school and that I can still (with toppik and wax) make it undetectable. We hairloss
sufferers are in this together and forums like these are great!

What do you guys think about my situation?


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No way I would go with a transplant at this point. Start using Minoxidil 5% and dermarolling and see what happens.

Jasper Hobbs

- - - Updated - - -

Oops I reread and see you are already on minoxidil. Stay the course with minoxidil, finasteride and add dermarolling. Many would kill to for the hair you have.To me a transplant is last thing to do after trying other things.

Jasper Hobbs


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I agree with Jasper on this one. you look to me to be a NW2, you don't need a hair transplant at this point imo.


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Just wanted to stop by and show you guys what a touch of hair fibers and wax can do for ones hair. For me it might be the difference between having a hair transplant now and having a hair transplant in 5-10 years. If you haven't tried hair fibers, please do!


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That's a pretty awesome-looking effect, thanks for the update. How does your hair feel, though? Is the "waxy" texture obvious?


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what can i say about hair transplant advice..well i think everyone should start at the basics and that is to find the expert who'll conduct the hair transplant


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My Regimen
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You're joking right? Are you having a good laugh at us posting pictures of you without any hair loss?

This is worse than I thought, every day, a BDD sufferer has to come here and insult real hair loss sufferers.

Do us a favour, send those pictures to a top surgeon (like ******** or De Reys) and post their answer here.

Fred what's going on? I'm off course newer than you by leagues Here but in the past months you have really seemed to take a spiral down, note I can be pessimistic and negative sounding but mostly for me it's humor, I remember you being much less angry sounding when I started.
Each persons hair loss always seems worse to themselves. Guys here with full slicks would call me crazy when I complained but to me I saw no difference between us.

As for the poster, the hairline in your would be pic is worse than your own lol


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My Regimen
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I think I have the right to be angry when I look at those picture.

This guy just has a naturally high forehead coupled with BDD.

I must have a NW3 hair line made of about a hundred hairs now. Lucky me. You can't possibly compare my case to his.

Then just tell him he's fine for now and not do it but tearing into him helps nothing. At 25 I was still worried just as much as he sounds. I highly doubt he made that huge post just to screw with everyone else


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Thx for the support guys! I'm keeping my hair buzzed right now (no guard), not only because of the thinning hairline but because I like it.
I've put the whole transplant thing on hold for now but we'll see for how long.

Giiizmo - The hair does feel a bit different when I apply fibers but with the wax it's almost impossible to tell for anyone else, even if they run their fingers
through my hair (girls ;) ). I think the key is to not overdo it.

FredTheBelgian - you have the right to your opinion but trust me, my hairline IS receding and has been for a couple of years. The only reason
it looks alright is because of medication, otherwise I would've easily been a strong NW3 by now (keep in mind that my dad is pretty bald).


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My Regimen
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FredTheBelgian - you have the right to your opinion but trust me, my hairline IS receding and has been for a couple of years. The only reason
it looks alright is because of medication, otherwise I would've easily been a strong NW3 by now (keep in mind that my dad is pretty bald).

If you have one arm and complain then every parapalegic will be pissed at you, if you have NO arms and complain then every quadrapalegic will be pissed at you, I personally think you are on the defensive and its good to worry now and come here for help. Dont let pissy people irk you form finding answers that may extend the life of your hairs.


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If I decide to walk around in a rolling chair while not being disabled, wouldn't real paraplegic people have the right to be pissed at me?

Wow, what is with your attitude? When you first started losing your hair, didn't you panic even though you had much more hair than you do now? We hair loss sufferers are all worried about what our hair will eventually look like. It's pretty mean and awful of you to say that to someone just because his hair loss is not as severe as yours.


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Congrats. Abercrombie, You deserve credit for carefully deliberating over your decision to get a hair transplant. Again I am very impressed with the amount of research and inquiries you have made in advance. It is obvious you are putting your health and safety first. :) The diligence and conservative measures you exhibit ought to be the gold transplant for everyone seeking/ considering treatment or surgery for their hair loss. Thanx for sharing and all the best.
Thx for the support guys! I'm keeping my hair buzzed right now (no guard), not only because of the thinning hairline but because I like it.
I've put the whole transplant thing on hold for now but we'll see for how long.

Giiizmo - The hair does feel a bit different when I apply fibers but with the wax it's almost impossible to tell for anyone else, even if they run their fingers
through my hair (girls ;) ). I think the key is to not overdo it.

FredTheBelgian - you have the right to your opinion but trust me, my hairline IS receding and has been for a couple of years. The only reason
it looks alright is because of medication, otherwise I would've easily been a strong NW3 by now (keep in mind that my dad is pretty bald).


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Fred I'ld be very happy with a third of Abercrombie's hair coverage and density. I really have no idea if he is actually experiencing male pattern baldness. I believe I see some subtle mid- anterior/ frontal crown miniaturization taking place but this observation might be due to suggestive influences. Or more like a visual hallucination, a potential indicator of my insanity.:crazy: Like you said in an earlier post on this thread I would be curious to hear what these "top notch" surgeons he consulted had to say about his case. Either way I am glad he has reneged on his decision to get a hair transplant. He is wise for doing his own investigating beforehand.