Hair transplant advice


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Would really appreciate some guidance.

Ten years ago I had a hair transplant, it was a strip technique. At the time I still had a considerable amount of hair and the results appeared to be OK. I am now 38, and in the intervening period I have lost most of the hair on the top of my head other than that from the transplant. The transplant now looks unnatural and unaesthetic. I tried propecia for a considerable amount of time, but had negative sexual side effects, so I discontinued the medication. I currently take no medicines for hairloss. I use Toppik in very small amounts in an effort to create a more aesthetic result.

I am entertaining the idea of a FUE procedure, not to recover a full head of hair, but merely to make the existing transplant appear more natural.

If posters could recommend a reliable FUE transplant surgeon in the Northeastern US with whom I could consult, I would greatly appreciate it.



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You really should not limit yourself geographically when it comes to hair transplant.

But in any case, in NE U.S. I second the Feller recommendation.

I also want to recommend Dr. Rahal. He is based in Toronto, but it looks like there is 7 offices in U.S. and Canada and 1 in Europe now, so I'm not sure what is going on there. But one of the offices is located in New York. Definitely worth looking into it. Both Feller and Rahal are considered by a lot of people to be in the top 10 best hair transplant surgeons in the world.

Mr. 4000

I wouldn't go near Feller's office unless he give you a contract that he will back his work 100%

he is hit or miss by what I have seen and heard of his patients, and that is based on the internet where the data favors the doctor

I would love to see his portfolio of all the good and bad, unfortunately doctors hide their worst results

Ron Shapiro is the only doctor I would trust and that is with extreme caution as well.


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I am in a similiar situation as you just alittle bit older. I have been reachering for the last 4-5 months steady. I am from Ontario Canada close to new york,
I had in pearson consults with feller,Rahal, Hasson and wong both, on line with cole, shapiro. and I have to say I was most comfortable with with Hasson & Wong
Their place was very professional non rush and comfortable.very patient and Doug is a great person.

I also seen in person three wong patients and they looked amazing Jotronics hair looks even better in person.
go to jotronics site and look at the documented case of Dave.

I am in no way affeliated to Hasson and Wong I am from the east and I am going
to travel out west for this, it will be my last shot at this I am still very nervous.

This by no means discredits the other doctors. they where all very curtious
I will be doing strip because I have old scars that will hopefully be removed
and I want to get maximum grafts and coverage because I dont plan on doing this again. I need to get on with my life and put this wasted energy into my kids not my hair.
I suggest you have inperson consults and you will know for sure from your gut.
They are all top notch. but half the battle is your mental state and going in with out any doubt and feeling comfortable.

Mr. 4000

Ben said:
Mr. 4000 wrote:
I wouldn't go near Feller's office unless he give you a contract that he will back his work 100%

So your saying to avoid one of the most consistent and best hair transplant surgeon in the world unless he backs his work 100%?

No doctor genuinely gurantees their work, they cant since it is a medical procedure and things can go wrong. Its not always down to the doctor, other factors out if his control such as patient characteristics play a huge part.

Some doctors will out of goodwill help to resolve a problem if results were not as expected. I read recently that Dr ******** performed extra work on the patient due after the result did not quite meed exprectations due to no fault og their own.
yes, Feller is a marketing machine, his work is hit or miss, like most doctors

I have seen his work, heard the complaints on the net until they were banned on other forums.

A doctor can back there work 100%, they just have to fix what they didn't achieve for the patient. Hasson and wong claims to do this. Shapiro will not contract it but there sales educators claim they will (which isn't the same because they can screw you. If it isn't in writing DON'T DO IT.

This guy Vince is disclosing a problem everyone will have when they enter the hair transplant game. I will have it, and already do 2 year after my hair transplant, because my doctor did such a horrible job.

Vince all I can say is that you have more hairloss ahead of you at age 38, and you may or may not have enough grafts to continue down the path, but I do not recommend strip at any cost because your scalp reduction will expose new problems.

This is something doctors never share with the patient, when the cut a piece of scalp out, the remaining scalp is stretched which thins the native existing hair. It is simple math.

Mr. 4000

You are paying for the operation and not the result since no operation is risk free and there are always factors outside of the doctors control effecting the final result.

I agree with a lot of what you are saying from the literal sense, except for the statement above. Even though what you are saying could be considered true in a worst case outcome.

It is not a very scientific statement. That statement could be taken as an insult to doctors, sales reps, surgery techs, and patients alike.

Patients interview doctors, fly around the world for luck and hope?

Doctors refine their skills and post their resume of results online and in person. Educators of the patients and doctors consult with patients to explain their skills and the science behind the procedure and you discount all of that making your statement.

There is not a doctor in the industry that would stand behind the statement you made let alone a patient that cares 100% on the result over pain, time, embarrassment, and money.


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I wouldn't go with Feller either... He may be a great Doctor and everything, but his results (especially FUE) tend to be very "inconsistent" (in my opinion). Sometimes very good, sometimes poor growth and so on. Look into Hasson or Rahal in Canada!


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He is hit or miss by what I have seen and heard of his patients, and that is based on the internet where the data favors the doctor