Hair Transplant after losing hair for 6 years.


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Hey members,
How's it going for everyone. The reason I am posting here is to talk about my hair journey. I had been losing hair for the past 6 years because of stress and financial troubles I faced back then. But over time I overcome almost all of these problems at the cost of losing hair lol. I am from Brooklyn and have few friends from Turkey. 2 months ago a very close Turkish friend of mine showed me some clinics, since he works in this industry , for my hair transplant. We talked to those clinics together about my condition, and they gave me a medical consultation. I am satisfied by those consultations and have already booked the tickets. The only problem is that i am really afraid of any kind of surgeries because I never had them. But I hope everything turns out to be good and get my hair back. Apart from that I will be updating with the surgeries and result after it.


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It sounds like you've been on quite a journey, and it's positive to see you taking action to address your hair loss. Feeling nervous about surgery is understandable, especially if it's your first time. Consulting with a dermatologist at Meta Dermatology who specializes in hair restoration can provide valuable insights and help alleviate any concerns you may have. Wishing you all the best with your upcoming procedure, and I'm eager to hear about your progress and results. Good luck!