hair transplant an option for me?


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I'm a 27 and started losing my hair when I was 17.

On Finasteride and minoxidil since 2008, it was to late. Plan to add Dutasteride soon.

Although the hair loss progression has been largely contained so far, I'm not getting my lost hairs back.

I attached some pictures; just wondering if hair transplant is a good option for me?

Many thanks.


Senior Member
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Norwood 3v at 27. I wouldn't consider a hair transplant, not yet anyway. For now I'd give it a few more years to see how the loss progresses.


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I was 25 when I first did a hair transplant, and it turned out that it changed my whole life. Dont be afraid of hair transplant's. Find a good surgeon in the States or Canada, just do it (I believe you need around 2000-2500 grafts) and your whole apperance will change. There is no need getting old and waiting to have a hair transplant. However, stick on minoxidil. I just apply minoxidil and sometimes (lately) nizoral. I do not like finasteride and especially duta.

Do it as long as you are still young


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If you are on a staple hairloss regimen, finasteride etc....and it has stabalised your loss then I'd say it's an option after looking at your photos. I was 28 when I had mine done, similar hair to yours...

But you need to do lots of research, US and Canada have a higher average of quality hair transplant docs, England not so. The only clinic with a decent rep in the UK is Farjo, but still not as good as the best imo.


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Many thanks for your suggestions.

I found the following paragraph hard to interpret; it is from a medical journal.

Vertex baldness is a progressive process and
does not become ‘‘stable with time,’’ and
therefore, hair transplantation of the vertex
should be approached with extreme caution.
Ideal candidates are those with just frontal and
mid-frontal hair loss. When frontal baldness
is corrected, this creates the most dramatic
positive change in appearance.

Nene said:
Norwood 3v at 27. I wouldn't consider a hair transplant, not yet anyway. For now I'd give it a few more years to see how the loss progresses.


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Where is the best place in this forum to start my research on hair transplant surgeon?


Senior Member
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Err this one. :whistle: