hair transplant and ethics


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Hi, first post here.

So I had an appointment for consultation today.
I have mild blading at the temples and very slight thinning of the hairline.

I am a 31 year old male with a slightly androgynous appearance (that is relevant).

What I asked for was basically a full hairline. Like one a guy would have during his teens usually and most women. Just a good strong hairline.

The doctor flat out refused to do this because I am a man. He drew on my forehead to show what he would do and it was the front part along my hairline connecting to the temple area at the sides, but would only go along the hairline that I currently, absolutely would not under any circumstance touch the part I am actually missing.

He estimated that what he drew would take 1500 grafts, and that to do the temples, which he would not do, would be 2000 to 2500.

He told me that no man on earth would ever have a hairline that I asked for, only women and that I would look too feminine. I pointed out a few of the more feminine aspects of myself and that a feminine hairline is fine with me, and actually exactly what I was looking for (that or just a hairline from when I was a little younger) and he just refused.

So I guess what I am asking is; is this normal? Will I have a hard time finding someone who will actually help me and give me what I want? Is this cautiousness and political correctness run amok? Or am I just crazy (based on my perception of events not what I asked him for) ?


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Thats a good question. You need to make sure that your goals are realistic, any doctor who performs surgery like you wanted, even a relatively small session as the one you are after, are essentially risking their own reputation if you end up with something unnatural looking for a male, even if it is entirely your own design.

You have to be very careful here, because there are so many unscrupulous operators in this industry and those who are willing to give you what you want may not be the best choice. You have to be extremely careful because alot of those people will readily give you what you want and it may not end up like you want.


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The Dr is totally right.
Most guys in your situation overestimate their 'ideal' hairlines. We've had guys on here drawing ridiculous hairlines onto their photos and asking if its possible to achieve them with a hair transplant. Sometimes the patients views can be skewed. Just look at Michael Jackson.


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Seemed reasonable to want the hairline you had a few years, I think there is a diff between wanting what you had and turning yourself into MJ.

The only thing he was willing to do was a hairline that looks balding, so what's the point really?

There are men out there with full hairlines, like when they were young; do you think any of them thinks 'oh I wish I could lose some of my hair in the temples, it just doesn't look right'. Doubtful, I would think they were proud.