Hair Transplant and Hair Replacement Difference??


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What's the biggest difference between transplant and replacement? What's best for me? I just want to know so I can try a transplant or replacement in future. Also is south korea the best country for hair transplant? Knowing its at top for cosmetic procedures. If so, which place in korea would you recommend?

I don't really trust in other countries in such as turkey and others as I don't have knowledge about then

Also newbie questions, if I still have hair with early male pattern baldness (slight thinning on top) is it possible to get surgery (FUE) inorder to get as many grafts as I'd like inorder to get full head of hair (Like korean stars' hair)
Is it possible to turn natural thin hair to thicker hair?
Will transplanted hair last forever? I mean can it still be affected by DHT? Tell me more about it, thanks in advance


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-transplanted hair isn't effected by dht (which is why hair cloning is likely the only decent cure we will ever get)
-Its not wise to just get a hair transplant willy nilly, most hair docters would be vary cautious about transplanting hair just anywhere, it all depends on the liklihood of thinning in particular areas. For example, if you have minor recession witihout indication of losing hair anywhere else, a doctor would feel much better about filling up the hairline than he would with someone who looked like they were prone to thinning in the centre/top of their head. There are only so many donor hairs. The fact you have very early male pattern baldness is the reason a competent doctor would never just transplant hairs for the sake of improving density, at this point you don't know for sure how bad yuor hair loss will become so that would be irresponsible.
-Unless you are reversing miniaturization of a DHT effected hair, I don't think its possible to improve shaft thickness in general. Styling products such as american crew medium hold can go a LONG way to improving perceived thickness of hair.
-Getting on finasteride should give you most of your density back, you are too young to be considering a transplant IMO.