Hair Transplant And Other Hair Options At A Young Age

Arnold Doveman

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I am experiencing male pattern baldness at 21. Basically I am writing this to get some advice on what my options are since its seems like nothing goes my way. I'll try to summarize my options and how they dont seem to be helping

1) Hair transplant. I've read several places that hair transplants are a bad idea in young men because a doctor wont know whether your donor hair in the back of your head is stable. So you can risk transplanting hair that will also start to fall off later down the road and you wont be left with any donor area.

2) Prophecia. I am really against it because if there's even a slight chance I might end up with erectile dysfunctioning its a no go for me. As stupid as it sounds one of the main reasons I want hair is to attract girls. And yes you can send me any article you want about how women fancy bald celebrities but to me that doesnt reflect in real life. I doubt many girls my age like bald guys.
And I think based on my appearance I am better suited for the typical pretty boy/ boy band look. I have shaved my head and I absolutely hate the way I look.
And if taking prophecia would give me erectile dysfunction it really defeats the purpose of why I want to hold on to my hair, I know it probably sounds dumb to whoever is reading.

3) Minoxidil. I have used 5% minoxidil now twice a day, everday for 4 months. And nothing, there's literally no change.

My only hope was getting a hair transplant asap, but it seems that nothing is going my way. I want my hair back really bad. Do I have to now walk around bald for 10+ years before I am a legit candidat for surgery?

Any advice from some kind people who have similar experiences with either of those 3 options I listed, or just any input would be highly appreciated.
Bear in mind my end goal is hair, not to accept baldness.


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Can you post pics so we can see what you are dealing with?
Realistically, your only options to help slow down or stop hairloss is with propecia and rogaine. I would suggest trying propecia, if you get side effects you feel you can't deal with, stop it. If you do try propecia though, put side effects out of your mind, you can easily cause ED yourself if you constantly worry about it.
A hair transplant at such a young age is very risky because if your hairloss is aggressive you will continue to bald and also, most, if not all surgeons are going to recommend that you are on propecia to prevent further loss anyway.

Post pics so we know what we are dealing with here.


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Photos are necessary but 100% the answer is simple; you must either get on propecia or go bald. Only 2% get sides on propecia, it's worth taking the chance. Your dick will be fine on propecia.

Keep up the minoxidil and add nizoral 2% shampoo twice a week.

Get on propecia now or waste years and thousands of hairs because of anti-propecia stupidity. I guarantee that if you love your hair that much you'll end up on it eventually, may as well start now.

g.i joey

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At 21, your options are propecia, or go bald. Anyone with aggressive hairloss like me or you at such young ages need to be stabilized with propecia if you're thinking on keeping hair long term, and especially if you're considering an hair transplant. good luck!


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At 21, your options are propecia, or go bald. Anyone with aggressive hairloss like me or you at such young ages need to be stabilized with propecia if you're thinking on keeping hair long term, and especially if you're considering an hair transplant. good luck!

This is true. If your hairloss is aggressive at such a young age, DO NOT get a hair transplant yet. You need to stabilize your hairloss first. We really need to see pics to see where you are and how aggressive your loss is. Please post some if you can.