Hair Transplant and Shiny Spots on Scalp


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I am thinking of going to India to get a hair transplant over the summer. They seem to do high density for cheap there. I have a bald U shape on my head. Some online hair transplant calculator said I need 7500-10000 hairs moved.

I am concerned about the prominent shiny spot on my scalp. Will a transplant hide this and how. I mean it is like a mirror shiny I don't see significant density could be done there to hide this. Do they still do scalp reductions because that is what I would need. My bald spot in the back is about as big as a music CD (and just as shiny!) and the front is basically gone.

Thanks for any advice.



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oh yes ur idea to get a hair transplantation is good, and get it done in India. this will surely fit ur budget... my brother was also facing the same problem.
he got Hair transplantation done in Hyderabad. it is almost 8 months now and he has got pretty good hair. let me knwo if you need some more help please do let me know


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Hmmm......Sharma...Isn't that an Indian name? Do you represent an Indian transplant company?



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I implore you to do something......

DO NOT LET DISTANCE AND PRICE DECIDE WHERE YOU GET YOUR PROCEDURE DONE! Seriously. This is a surgery that will be with you for the rest of your life. DO NOT MAKE THAT DECISION LIGHTLY! Do more research. When you think you know what you're going to do...then wait and do even MORE research!!

This is a huge decision.

Also, what's the current state of your hair?

Mr. 4000

DO not get a procedure

I do not recommend it at all. Scalp reduction will only cause additional stretching and cause more thinning and shine from the tightness

Accept your natural look and save your money, time, pain and embarrassment. hair transplant's are the most life disruptive things you could ever do. they take forever to heal and look insane.

Don't do it. Waste for time and money, and typically look unnatural and detectable


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What can I say? I hate being bald. If I was married I wouldn't care at all. .

Right now I shave my head and it looks OK, but women have told me that women don't really like bald heads. It is like when men say they prefer an women who is a little bit overweight. Yes, some guys do like overweight women but usually because they can't get attractive skinny women. Its just a rationalization. I hate the shine of my head. I hate how my head is ridiculously cold in the winter and aflame during the summer. Hair is not just for vanity's sake but provides insulation from cold/heat..

Thanks for your replies.

Mr. 4000

buckeye1 said:
What can I say? I hate being bald. If I was married I wouldn't care at all. .

Right now I shave my head and it looks OK, but women have told me that women don't really like bald heads. It is like when men say they prefer an women who is a little bit overweight. Yes, some guys do like overweight women but usually because they can't get attractive skinny women. Its just a rationalization. I hate the shine of my head. I hate how my head is ridiculously cold in the winter and aflame during the summer. Hair is not just for vanity's sake but provides insulation from cold/heat..

Thanks for your replies.
I understand your position

But a hair transplant is not a real solution, not even close

It really won't make a difference, at least in the way you think it will IMO.

Time money pain risk poor results, medical complications, fraud, greed, being mislead, set up for more work, false advertising, travel, no consumer protection, NOT WORTH IT - need I say more?

Some of the hottest women I know have dated or married bald men. What you are saying is only partially true. I think you need to get to a point in life where it comes back to the quality of the person and not just looks.

Looks are for the young and vain. That will only last so long even for the best looking in the world