Hair Transplant at H&W coming up...


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I've decided to go for a hair transplant at H&Ws to fill in my receded temples. I'm very young though, almost 23. I guess I feel that with propecia and I can stall any future fair loss for the next little while.

If I continue to lose hair I'll still have plenty of grafts from my donor hair for extra procedures I may need down the road. The bottomline is I want to have hair when I'm young and in my 20s. I feel awful the way it is.

Also, it's much easier to hide thinning hair in the middle of my scalp then it is to mask hair loss from my hairline. Hair concealers like toppik don't work for hairlines but they'll work for any extra diffuse loss I may have above the hairline.

Here's a pic of my hair situation with my hair buzzed:


Thoughts? I know I'm young and don't know the pattern of my hair loss, but I'm miserable the way my hair is now. And like I said, as long as I stay on propecia, and have a conservative long term plan for future hair procedures, I think I'm making a safe decision.


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What is your family history of hairloss?

Do you have any diffuse thinning or crown thinning, or is it entirely temple recession?

How long have you been on finasteride? Have you used minoxidil?


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No one on my moms side is bald. My dad started balding in his 40s.

I don't have any diffuse thinning or crown hair loss that I have observed. Just a receding hairline and perhaps some thinning above the forelocks.

I've been on propecia for 7 months -- I did discontinue usage for a couple of weeks only to start again in the last couple of days. I haven't tried minoxidil as of yet.


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Go for fue man.


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hey man im pretty much in your situation as well, 22 with receded temples to ~NW3 or so

(i know the pattern of hairloss im following[w/o meds] and it ends with NW6 at about 70 years old. NW4 at ~50)

Go for it. Get a FUE in the temples but be somewhat cautious with how many you transplant. if the hair behind it starts to thin you will need other transplants to replace it

however - I'm pretty sure this should work - if you do get the temples filled in and the rest of your hair thins you should be able to buzz the whole thing down with FUE. should hide the thinning and maintain the image of the new hairline

Also - get on minoxidil, they say it only works on the crown but that's not true. Many people will get some temple regrowth on it, and it works better on young people. You can buy generic alcohol-based solution for ~20$/3 month supply at drugstores. You can buy the foam (which AFAIK does not exist in generic) for about double that and just use the foam mornings and alcohol at night since the alcohol tends to look shitty.