hair transplant candidate? pics attached


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I have been using the big 3 for 6 years now and i think its slowed my hair loss down. I use nanaogen which is similar to topikks when i style my hair and that has been the best product.

Recently I noticed the thining getting worse and two weeks ago spent £400 on laser comb pro 12. since using the laser comb i have noticed quite abit of baby hairs falling out in the sink which is a good sign i guess.

its too early to tell what the laser comb brings but if all else fails I am suitable for a hair transplant.

I started thinning at 18 and now 24.

opinions please.

btw no reseeding hair line, thank god for that at least.

but my hair seems more to that of a female.


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Not sure if you should thank God that you doesnt expierence a receding hairline. After all those are 'the best' situations for a transplant.

You seem to have indeed a different type of hairloss, perhaps Diffuse Patterned Alopecia (DPA). With a hairtransplant you might expierence serious shockloss and clinics are not eager to do transplants with this kind of hairloss. If meds dont help than there's a good chance you might end up completely bald on top. Of course that's also possible with normal male hairloss but with DPA you can almost count on it.

El Nino

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Yeah I agree nw2. Knowing what I know now I would have preferred a receding hairline over a 75cm2 bald patch in the crown. But hey, everyone is different and no two situations are the same.

Ok ahmeda, your pics are a bit confusing and unclear. Are they all without concealer? Where is the second a pic of? Your crown?

You do seem to be a diffuse thinner and generally these aren't good for transplants. But this is only my opinion and you should send some better pics to the top hair transplant Doctors for a professional one.


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Omg so im screwed.

Those pics are just after i washed my hair and dried it.

The meds have helped me for years.

That pic of my crown is natural, my crown is fine.

My loss is that of a female

Thanks for ur advice so far

El Nino

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You're not screwed ahmeda, don't panic. Your hair looks fine in some pics and the meds are working for you, this is good.

You may not be a hair transplant candidate now but that doesn't mean you won't be in the future. This is just my opinion.

And remember, the people on here including me are not professionals we are laymen. Take some better pics with dry hair in natural light from about 3 foot away from all angles. Then send them to some of the best hair transplant Doctors on the planet.


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thanks for your comment.

what dr's would you recommend I talk to ?

cheers :)

El Nino

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You're welcome ahmeda.

Now this list is just my opinion and is in no particular order.

Dr. Rahal - Canada.
Drs. Hasson and Wong - Canada.
Dr. Ron Shapiro - USA.
Dr. Feller - USA.
Dr. ******** - Belgium.

And if you do go down the hair transplant route remember that it is a long road and highly unlikely you will need just one. This means it is also very expensive, with both your time and money.

Let us know what they say.