Hair Transplant Dilema


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I really want to get a hair transplant but scared that it might go wrong and that someone detects that I have had one.

That aside however if it did all work out it would help retore my confidence and be able to get on with my life once again.

Anyone else had this dilema.

Anyone with previous hair transplant experience would be great to hear your experiences.


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It's possible that a hair transplant is not for you then. All surgical procedures can go wrong, even the most highly regarded surgeons in *any* field can sometimes make mistakes (It's just far less-likely that one of the better known surgeons will screw up).

Keep in mind though that a modern hair transplant procedure from a reputable clinic is actually thousands of mini procedures done together. The chances of having a really bad procedure are far less now than they were in the days of a few dozen plugs.

If after weighing up the options and sorting through all the chaff and shillcrap from the actual facts from people who have had procedures done, and after you've made a short-list and had your consultations you're still not happy to proceed, then don't.

Maybe you find find a few people who have had procedures done and meet them in the flesh?