Hair transplant Doctors hair transplant


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Do you know of any balding hair transplant doctors who have had a hair transplant themselves?


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dr andrew kim

Do you know of any balding hair transplant doctors who have had a hair transplant themselves?

Dr. Andrew Kim is a korean doctor who suffered from hair loss himself. He had a successful hair transplant which is why he is also able to relate with what I have been going through. you can chck him out or maybe ask him questions here

Charlie Brown

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Edit: sorry, I read that wrong. I thought you asked if there were any bald hair transplant doctors. I had said Dr. Bernstein and Dr. U but neither of them have transplants.


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Lots of doctors who have had transplants (in some cases, the doctors have had lousy results too). Also, lots of doctors who are losing hair, who did not get a transplant.


My Regimen
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Dr. John Bitner in Utah has had 3 hair transplants himself and he is a transplant specialist.

Charlie Brown

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HAHAHa thats actually funny when you see the Hair Surgeon, who is highly experienced and he is bald.

I definitely find it interesting. Do they have no confidence in their peers? or no confidence in the industry they work in? Or are they just bald and don't care in which case what do they think of their patients?


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I would not use a bald hair transplant doctor, sorry but if they won't go through a procedure themselves I wouldn't have them do mine. I imagine they are afraid they will be butchered and have to explain to every patient they see why they have scarring and follicles patches. It's also a matter of why couldn't they save their own hair.


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I definitely find it interesting. Do they have no confidence in their peers? or no confidence in the industry they work in? Or are they just bald and don't care in which case what do they think of their patients?

I would not use a bald hair transplant doctor, sorry but if they won't go through a procedure themselves I wouldn't have them do mine. I imagine they are afraid they will be butchered and have to explain to every patient they see why they have scarring and follicles patches. It's also a matter of why couldn't they save their own hair.

The answer is simple. If the doctor is a NW7 (Bernstein is a NW7), a hair transplant is not an option. Not enough donor hair to get a satisfying result. For those men, there isn't a solution available on the market.

No need to explain to patients why they are bald, any NW7 guy knows a hair transplant is not a solution for his problem.


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Medications and procedures have been available for a long time now, I would not wait to NW7 to do something. Probably this doesn't bother some people, and some it might.


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Dr. Bernstein's probably been bald for 30 years, before Propecia and even Minoxidil. I'm not sure what the point of this thread is (if the doctor does have a hair transplant, it was a different doctor who performed it, so it says nothing about the doctor's own skills). Although it's a good indication when seeing a doctor who didn't get surgery, as it should be a wake-up call for noobies to realize that a hair transplant isn't a good option for everybody.


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Bold hair surgeon

Surgeon for hair transplant and bold, its funny but yes I met one of them, the surgeon for my first hair transplant in States was bald, and honestly I wished to ask him why he is not doing hair transplant for himself, but I couldn't. Not my attitudes. :jump:


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Edit: sorry, I read that wrong. I thought you asked if there were any bald hair transplant doctors. I had said Dr. Bernstein and Dr. U but neither of them have transplants.

In his videos Bernstein has said that he does not consider himself a good candidate, but if he was he would have it done.