Hair Transplant Idea for Norwoods 5, 6, 7


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I came up with this idea to make High Norwoods look like they have a Full head of hair, but I don't know if it's sound, or if anyone would like it cause you'd be stuck with 1 haircut option.

What would happen if you took ALL the hair in the back and sides of their heads and transplanted it to the top? And then Used Scalp Micro pigmentation for the back and sides so that it looks like they have an undercut.

Would that work without making it look like diffuse hair loss? Maybe if they keep it short? Maybe adding minoxidil will help? Just throwing the idea out, it might help someone with excellent donor area.


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10808596_776033372456593_1883244584_n.jpgLike Neymar hairstyle..i saw pic of him like that.

Wolf Pack

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My Regimen
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Lol, this has been suggested before. If it's a proper horse shoe have it all moved to the top and grown out!



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Or transplant ALL of the back and sides to the top of the head and tattoo the back and sides

EDIT : Oh its the same thing


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Hair system.


Established Member
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I think I'll do this if I run out of options and don't like the way I look clean shaven. It will be my last resort. I'd keep it short if it looks diffuse medium length.