Hair Transplant - Images taken *during* surgery


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Hair Transplant at The Westminster Clinic (Dr. Rogers) - Contains images of procedure

Hi folks,

As promised I've uploaded some pictures taken *during* the Hair Transplant procedure I had yesterday with Dr Rogers at his London clinic.

I had planned to go to the clinic in Stratford, but he is in the process of moving that to Rugby.


Some of the images are rather graphic and show many of the messier parts of the procedure. There is a lot of blood, there are knives cutting into human (my) flesh and there are images of syringes and surgical tools being used.

My second Hair Transplant procedure.

The images were taken either by myself or by one of the technicians and are only on a Blackberry camera so the quality is not great (not to mention very unflattering for me :) ).

I've not updated the meta data yet but I'll be doing that in the coming days, there is also a HD video of the procedure which I'll be editing into a short as time allows.

During the whole procedure I was constantly updating my blog, Twitter and Facebook; posting images and answering as many questions as possible. I was stunned by the sheer number of people who were interested in the procedure and I'll be posting a transcript as as soon as I can edit and piece it all together into a meaningful time-line. As far as I can tell, this was a world first.

I hope this helps give people a better idea of what goes on during a hair transplant procedure, and as always I would love to hear your feedback.

*edit* - please note that these are not the usual type of "reference" images I usually take where I use fixed flash and exposure settings; all these were taken with the camera settings to full auto.

*edit 2* - the video is coming nicely, should be ready by tomorrow.

*edit 3* - updating broken link.


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Re: Hair Transplant Surgery Images

Quite a bit of meta data has been done now, just need to add more descriptions.


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Re: Hair Transplant Surgery Images

Did'nt know you were having more work done. How many grafts was it?


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Re: Hair Transplant Surgery Images

s.a.f said:
Did'nt know you were having more work done. How many grafts was it?

I forgot to get the exact number before I left the clinc (I was exhausted), somewhere between 2100 and 2500 grafts.

Most of the work done was to finish my hairline (around 2,000 grafts there) then the remainder went to add some density all over the scalp and to fix my right eyebrow.


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48 hours in and I've finally been able to gently rinse my hair. No shampoo or rubbing, just a very low pressure shower and careful patting.

The water was gross as it washed away the dried blood, but it feels so nice to clean my hair.


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First shampoo today, so nice :)

It's almost worth having a hair transplant just for the feeling of that first shampoo after the procedure.

I did a little bit of gentle styling with my hair today too, I'm blown away at how much improved my hairline is, and this is while the hairs are just 2mm spikes. I can barely wait to see how this is looking by next summer!

Also, as I recall, as with the last time, I've not noticed any of the little grafts falling away yet.


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One week on and all is well!

Booked in with the local nurse to have the stitches taken out next week, the redness and swelling has more or less gone and the itching is starting to ease.

I'm so pleased that Dr. Rogers team were able to perform the procedure without shaving my existing hair, he was pretty much the only top surgeon who has a team skilled and experienced enough to work through existing hair as long as mine, and even then it was with a little reluctance.

Happy days :)


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glad to hear things are going well. the first week must have the hardest!


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Had a quick flick through the pics, all looks in good order. Nice work on the documentation.


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Two and a half weeks post op and most of the redness around the graft area is gone, the stitches are out and all is well.

My reflection in the mirror makes me very happy indeed as the grafts which are still in place are acting as a kind of concealer on the scalp and are giving me a little "flash forward" of what my hairline will look like a few months from now, good times :)

Sadly, I'll soon be lamenting the grafts as they fall out over the coming weeks; I'm going to be like a child waiting for Christmas by the end of June...


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Three weeks in and over half of the grafts have now gone away for a while :(

There is still some slight redness where the grafts were placed (which I don't remember being red for such a long time on the last hair transplant) and the donor area is still a little tender; perhaps I just take longer to heal now that I'm 40...


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Bit of an old thread, adding some 'final' two year on photos before I go back for my third procedure.

185146_10151174618542437_2099231019_n.jpg 293045_10151193197592437_1763143264_n.jpg 582728_10151165262292437_1573417812_n.jpg 424193_10151167830647437_503796550_n.jpg

Quite pleased with the results :)

It's not *perfect* but I was NW6 before starting on this journey. The next procedure will be filling in the center and adding some volume, should make things a little less 'see though' under bright direct light.


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Looks Fantastic no one would believe you were an Norwood 5/6 once. Good luck with your next procedure.


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Thanks Malo, I'm looking forward to it :)
(Well, I'm looking forward to about 12 months after it, the procedure itself will be rather unpleasant and the months following it stress-filled lol)